Surgery in the future | Arthritis Information


Can anyone tell me how long you have to be off the RA meds before a surgery?  I have to have a hysterectomy and was interested in what all of you have to say about being off your meds.  I am on MTX (8 pills once a week) and plaquenil and sulfasalazie.  Also take codine for pain and am on folic acid for the mouth sores.

If you have had to do this, what do I need to expect as far as pain and side effects going off the drugs.

I go to see my rheumy on Friday afternoon, but wanted to see if any of you had suggestions so I can ask about them.


When I had hand surgery, my RD told me to go off the mtx a week before the surgery and then resume after.  Good luck!



You should do a search on Terinski's posts or try contacting her. She just went through this same thing. It was really hard going off the medications before hand. If you can reach her, maybe post your question with her name in it, I think she could give you some very good answers.

I know it was very hard having to go off the some of the pain meds as well because they don't want you bleeding.

But I know I felt so much better after my hysterectomy. I didn't have RA to cope with then though.
