Kenalog shot | Arthritis Information


Hi...another newbie here! I was diagnosed almost 3 months ago. I had an awful flare that went on for a week until I called the doctor and he had me come in for a Kenalog shot. I feel so much better now. I was wondering if this is a fairly common trearment for RA? Is this something that I should prepare to get used to? Not a big fan of needles....but it is better than the pain.  Does anyone else use these shots as part of their regular treatment? Thanks for listening.I have never heard of this medicine. Is it a steroid or a pain killer? Glad it worked for you!I'm not familiar with this either but very interested if anyone has any info about it.  I'm in an awful flare and looking for something else to help.  I believe Kenalog is a steroid.Kenalog is a steroid.. I think it might be a brand name.

Yup, Kenalog is a steroid.  It is very effective in relieving symptoms of a flare.  Unfortunately, most physicians do not recommend giving the shot more than 3 times per year. 

I've had two Kenalog shots this year and they work wonders for me for about 10 days.  The Remicade treatments are working for me for about two weeks as well. 

Kenalog is considered more of a temporary relief for a flare when necessary. 
