Now a problem with MTX | Arthritis Information


I have been trying to figure out what the problem is with me being sick. The week before last week I went on 5 mg pred for the forst time and got Flu like symptoms and was sick for 3 or 4 days. Then last week After taking meds I got sick again but more sick because when I would deep breathe my lung on my right side would hurt. Then gradually got better.
Now this week I didn’t want to take my meds and called the doctor . My doc was on vacation so one of the senior doctors called me back and said to take MTX after a few days that I take the enbrel and see if I get sick again.
Really I am just starting to feel better. I don’t want to get sick or maybe get Pneumonia. I am thinking to call him and have him prescribe in advance some meds to help my lungs if I get sick again. But I think I might not take the MTX again. I took the enbrel yesterday and I am not getting sicker.

He said this happens once in awhile with the MTX with some people and the pred was probably covering it up.

Too scared to take it again.
I am a person not an experiment.

Has this happened to anyone else on MTX????/

Thanks in advance

MTX and Enbrel both have side effects of lung problems so your wariness here is quite practical. This is odd advice. What they should have done is brought you in for an exam and make sure you don't already have a lung infection going on. This is not to be glossed over.

I have had bronchitis with the Enbrel and my only symptom was a little problem breathing. But because I knew that lung infections can become serious with Enbrel, I called my Rheumy right away and they had me hold off the Enbrel until I got over the lung infection. As it was, it took me several weeks of very painful chest pain and a bunch more tests before it completely resolved.

And, MTX has been known to cause lung problems. But someone should listen to your lungs and get an x-ray. They shouldn't "play try it, you'll like it" with you.

Prednisone covers up illness because it suppresses your immune system. So, your sickness could be from an illness and not the meds themselves or it could be a side effect of the medications. Only an exam will tell you.

I don't think this doctor explained it well. Get back with your GP or your regular Rheumy right away. I would hold off both MTX and Enbrel until you do. A week off of either one it not going to affect your overall treatment but can have a big impact on your health if you have a lung problem. If the lung problem gets worse or affects your breathing go straight to the ER.

You need to see a doctor and have them examine you. Your instincts are exactly right.

Thanks so much for your reply. I was hoping you would reply to this post. I know you have a lot of information.
I had forgotten to tell the rhemy about the lung thing and called him back this morning and he will call me back this afternoon. My husband reminded me of the hurting when I was breathing too deep. So, I guess I didnt make myself clear. My fault.

I am feeling much better now and dont have a breathing problem anymore. My lungs feel clear. However, I dont want this problem to pop up again for any reason. So, If I dont like his advice I will wait for my Doc to get back from vacation before I take anymore meds.
I will see him on the 23rd of this month. I took enbrel last night and skipped the MTX. Today I feel fine. Just a little tired this morning.

I'll let you know what the Doc says when I give him the info on the breathing problem.

Thanks again Deanna

You're welcome. I think they need to tell us more up front so that we can help ourselves more. I'm glad you are feeling better and that your appointment is fairly soon.

I don't like that advise either.

I personally would set up an appointment with my GP to check my symtoms and listen to my lungs. No offence to the RD; but just like our GP's don't know how to treat RA properly; your RD doesn't know how to treat something simple like a common upper respitory infection (I never can spell that; sorry) as well as your GP will.

I'm taking my last pill of my second course of antibiotics for simular reasons. I went in with sinus congrestion and what was developing into a nasty cough. My GP started antibiotics right away making me promise to stay off my RA meds until we had this under control. It's taken three weeks to shake it. That's what HUmira and MTX cause to happen.

MTX, Humira, Embrel....all of these meds jeprodize our immune systems and I've found from experience that you really need to stay off of them when you are fighting anything that could be like an infection.

Many people on MTX end up seeing a pulmanairy (Also surely spelled wrong) specialist due to symptoms simular to yours. Please don't be dismissed on this issue. Go to your GP and let them look at you....your RD will give you the run around just because he doesn't know what to make of it. By the time he decides to consider your well being over his reputation it could be too late.

Better safe than sorry.

If I were you....I'd see my GP before you actually do end up in the emergency room like Deanna mentioned. It's a lot less cheaper; and it could save you a LOT of trouble.

Best of Luck....let us hear how things turn out.


Lovie39000.7215856481 My Rhuemy said the lung thing is actually an allergic reaction to MTX.  It can happen at any time while taking this drug.  MY Dr. is the top doc at a medical school and I think he knows what he is talking about.  He said when this occurs you must see your Rhuemy as GP's usually do not treat this right (treat as pneunomia) and you get sicker.  My regular RD comes back from vacation tomorrow and I will start with him. If he sounds like the other guy who was taking his place I'll go straight to my Internist.

I talked to the other guy yesterday and he just said a lot of big words and then said as long as I feel fine why not wait till my regular RD comes back from vacation. I couldnt agree more.

I admit I am always looking to fault Doctors in every way I can but take my word it is for a good reason. I just dont trust their judgement.

By the way I am just fine today. Took enbrel on Monday.
Yesterday was really tired.

My regular Rheumy called me back this morning and said as long as I was feeling better that I still should skip the MTX this week and if I am still feeling better next week to go back on my regular medications. He didnt agree with the guy that was standing in for him. Thats scarey.

He said there has been so many colds going around and he thinks thats what I had.
If this happens again call him right away.The 23rd I see him for my regular appointment and we'll see where I am on all this medication.

I will make sure I never get stuck with Mr. big words again. You get the feeling that they try to talk above you just to get you ff the phone.

BarbI'm glad you followed your instincts. Those will keep you alive.