Meds for pain and depression | Arthritis Information


Is anyone on any meds for pain and depression?

My doctor say I may be a little depressed because all I do is lay on the couch as soon as I get home from work. Im always in pain and always tired. So he wants me to start taking Cymbalta. He says it will help with pain also. Has anyone ever been on this medication before?



I have been on Cymbalta for quite a while. My pain specialist switched me from another anti-depressant, which wasn't working as well as it had been.

The Cymbalta seems to be helping. It's hard for me to tell about the pain relief aspect of it, as I am also on several other meds for pain. But I really think it helps the depression. I honestly didn't think I was depressed  when they started me on anti-depressants long ago, but it was obvious to my doctors.

I haven't had any problems with it at all. I'd say, if your doctor is recommending it, go ahead and give it a try. I think it is hard not to be depressed, when dealing with the pain and fatigue of RA. Not to mention all the other changes that take place in our lives.

I also take Methadone 4 times a day, Dilaudid for breakthru pain (don't need it very often), Topomax for nerve pain, Mobic, etc., but I was under the care of a pain specialist for 4 years before the RA was diagnosed. I am not recommending all these pain meds. That is between your doctor and you. I have several other problems, as well.

Best of luck. Please let us know how you are doing! Gentle hugs & Blessings,




I didnt think I was depressed at all I just thought I was tired from the RA. I know I get down from time to time but apparently it's more than that. I just hope that it can help with pain also. Im already on vicoden and Daypro and Enbrel which works okay but I guess my spirit needs to be worked on.



Hi Momof3 - just posted on your other thread.  I think it (cymbalta) or the Elavil might be worth a try.  What can it hurt?

take care

Thank you all I will try one or the other

hopefully I will feel better soon



My internal med doc told me she thought a DX of RA should come with anti-depressents.

That the pain and fatigue of RA lead to chemical changes in the brain...those physical changes equal depression. I feel so much better on a anti-depressent - physically. It is like finally getting a little sunshine in gloomy November.

I guess I just dont want to admit it.

Dont they have side effects like weight gain? Im just asking because I dont want to gain any more weight because of meds. I do want to feel better though. Thanks again.


I was actually on lexapro and felt better pretty much right away. I stopped taking it because of sexual side effects. Does there always have to be a trade off?

I gained weight but I started them in my mid 40's and even thin women struggle to maintain weight in the perimenopause years. I have struggled with the fat thing always - I was even a fat toddler.

Maybe if you feel like getting off the couch and actually move a little bit you will lose weight. 


Some people lose weight on anti-depressents.

I gained weight but I started them in my mid 40's and even thin women struggle to maintain weight in the perimenopause years. I have struggled with the fat thing always - I was even a fat toddler.

Maybe if you feel like getting off the couch and actually move a little bit you will lose weight. 


Believe me i would love to get off the couch and exercise more but it it so hard when you have enormous pain and fatigue  
