arriscolwell - stupid clause | Arthritis Information


Sorry I got you in trouble, I probably should have made a new topic for it, but did not think of it.


So, what happens if you give someone "their sign", but then they do not have that type of stupidity all the time? Do you give them 1 sign for each stupidity and they get to pick and choose which sign they will wear that day?

I have a light bulb thing I do to gauge people's with.

You know the saying "Not the brightest bulb in the box"? Well, that is where it came from

Me & hubby refer to people's watts so they do not know we are talking about them.

Like my oldest niece, 29, she ranges from nightlight - to - 15 watter and on a good day maybe a 20 watter.

Me, I say I am a 45 watter most days, but I have been down to a 20 watter.

Hubby - he CLAIMS - he is a 110 watter LMAO!! I have seen him on certain days get down to about a 50 watter. LMAO!!