And there’s another one!! Newbie.... | Arthritis Information


Hi all,

I got diagnosed with arthritis 12 years ago at age 18. I was severly affected for about 4 years and finally figured out how to tolerate MTX and from then improved. Was off meds and int toatl remission (hardly even a paracetamol/acetaminophen) for more than 5 years but now back with a bang and I guess I'm down about it.

I'm 30, am in a serious relationship, planning ur own house, fa,ily, etc when this rears its head again. Really don't want to have to start meds again because of family planning concerns. BF was planning a two- storey house (ooww!!) and iguess we're both trying to come to terms with this "hiccup"!

Anyways hi to all and looking forward to getting to know you all better!

Hello!!! :)

I know it's hard, but you need to address your RA with your BF now. Before you have any further problems, and your two storey house is a nightmare to your knees and ankles! Don't get too down in the dumps over may only be having a mild flare. You never know. Keep up with your doc, and keep communicating your feelings and your pain level with your BF. And keep coming here! You'll find lots of great people and great information!

Best Wishes!

Hi Nicola;

Do you have pa or ra or both?  We are glad to see you, this section of the board is for people with psoriatic arthritis, but most of us post at the rhuematoid arthritis post too, so please stroll over and see us.  Again, welcome to AI.  meme

I really like you guys and hope I can stay in this group!  I need support with this too and really am thankful for this forum!

