MTX and mouth sores | Arthritis Information


OK, I was ready for any and all possible side effects with MTX because of all the wonderful sharing we do here on the forum.  I even began taking Folic Acid, 2.4 mg daily to avoid the dreaded mouth sores. 

Well, guess what, I have a mouth sore, it started today sometime.  I didn't notice it until it began to bother me as a blister like form on the inside of my right cheek.  I took a look at it, and it was a HUGE blood blister.  It popped while I was teaching today, and the area is now a bit swollen, but not like it was, and it now HURTS!!!  

Those of you who have suffered this side effect, has your sores started like this as well?  I took my second dose of MTX over the weeken, 7.5mg.  

Thanks for any info!!  

*hugs*   Terri
Hi Terri, I used to suffer from the dreaded white sores but I started to rinse my mouth with peroxide daily and for the last month I haven't had any mouth sores.  I was surprised that something so simple would work.

You may need to increase that folic acid...I take 4 mg/day to keep the mouth sores at bay....good luck


Hi Terri,

I posted an answer at Let's Talk Arthritis, but I'll post it here, too, for other people who are dealing with this. I've been losing hair - not huge amounts, but enough to notice - and getting a number of mouth sores i the past few weeks. My RD just prescribed Leukovorin, which is a more potent folate. I haven't gotten it yet, and I'm supposed to take it the day after I take the MTX, which means next week. I'll let you know how it goes.
Leukovorin is not expensive and it really helped me tolorate MTX long enough to know it did do much for me. It really is worth a try.

I get terrible blisters on the outside of my lips. I've got one coming on now but haven't taken my MTX in three weeks due to illness. I've been prone to them since I was a small child.

I've tried numerous ointments with minumal success. I'm just cursed I guess.....and they really do hurt like hell!

OUCH!!! Call the doctor and ask for the above. That's a bit extreme.