hip and leg pain | Arthritis Information


I was on 30 mg of pred and still had hip. leg and foot pain......Prednizone is not taking away all of my pain , I  am  trying to come off  of it slowly.............legs hurt a lot even when I am lying down, in fact sometimes it feels worse....and the bottom of my feet hurt, as soon as I put my feet on the floor in the morning I can feel the pain....This disease seems to have attacked me from the waist down............any one else have any of these symptoms????Georgiana


Gee, on 30 mg or pred and still pain...sorry to hear that.  My co worker has pain in her feet when she awakens, but soon after she is up and walking around, it subsides.  She does not have PMR.  However, she does has been dx with arthritis in her hands, so she assumes she has it in her feet as well....

Are you seeing a rheumatologist? 

I am 12.5 mg of pred and will taper to 10 mg in 10 days.  I have slight stiffness/soreness in the mornings.  If I overdo my exercise(walking too far too fast) I will feel worse.  And one never knows how much too much is until the next day!?!?   GRrrrrrrrrrrr.

I hope that you will get some resolution and explanation to your foot and leg pain.....keep me posted.



I am seeing a rheumatologist, and I am down to 20 mg. of pred. now...I think he will lower my dose a little more next time I go....Oct 24...............I guess I should be happy I feel a little better than I did when this all first started,  There were times when I could not even walk...........Thanks again Georgiana

Hi Georgiana,

Boy, I remember the days of barely being able to walk...I thought that I had 2 pulled hamstrings when this initially started.  Thinking back on it, I was miserable....

Let me know what the rheum doc suggests for you...

Take care,



I have had the pain in the bottom of my feet, but just
since about 6 months ago, not when I first got PMR. I
asked my rheumatologist about it last time I saw him.
He checked my feet for arthritis, and didn't find
anything.He didn't know what it was, but didn't think
it was the PMR. I know they don't know everything. My
foot pain seems to come and go, and when I have it, it
does get better after I've walked around a while. Isn't
this a strange disease?

I read an article the other day (on-line) where someone
asked if there were any clinical trials for PMR. The
doctor answered that since prednisone makes such a
dramatic difference with pain control that there is not
much interest in research or clinical trials. I hope he
is wrong!!!! Especially since some of the folks taking
prednisone have side effects that are as bad, if not
worse, than the PMR symptoms. They need to find
effective alternative methods for symptom resolution
without so many bad side effects.

I hope you continue to get better - hopefully sooner
than later.

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