Does anyone fly? TMI?? | Arthritis Information


Ok first this might be TMI. 2nd I googled for 30 mins and found nothing.



I am going on my trip soon, and I was wonder if anyone has had an IUD? It is made of metal, and I am wondering if it will set off the metal detectors when I pass thru? Anyone ever have that problem. I know when my hubby went thru a metal dectector in the state capital he kept setting it off with the metal tabs that hold the pockets to the jeans.

Thanks in advance

It shouldn't, I think I read about that somewhere, and they're not the same kind of metal the detectors search for. Just like when you have a metal plate or screws, they don't go off either. :) I've flown more times in my life than I can count. ( my mom and I lost track at 67) I can count on one hand how many times I've beeped. It's pretty rare. :)
Have fun!!

Thanks for the reply, Katie. This will be my 2nd time flying.

At least one IUD blog says no. . . html

You heard me, an IUD blog. Nothing odd about that.





<3 KT

An IUD Blog, now that is just... hummm... no words to describe it. I mean what does one blog about everyday for an IUD??

Ok here is what one of the blog posts might say....

"I checked and couldn't find it!!!"
