Allergic reaction to plaquenil | Arthritis Information


Okay - I know that plaquenil is one of the mildest ones out there for RA treatment but I'm having a problem and I wonder if it's related/allergic reaction - and am wondering if anyone has had the same experience.

I've been on 400mg for 2+ weeks now - and yesterday my hands started to itch.  Today I looked down at them and they're covered in these tiny itchy red bumps.  Then I start scratching my stomach - when I pulled up my shirt to look - I was horrified - my whole torso is covered in little red bumps. 

I skipped my pm dose - took some benedryl and went to bed.  Now, here I am, awake at 4 am, trying desparately not to scratch my skin off.  I've ruled out food allergy - the only thing I can think of is med allergy.  Any advice or thoughts folks?

Be well - and TIA - Joy

Hi . I have been on plaquenil, 400 mg for about 2 years. I had an allergic reaction in the beginning when I started there herbal supplements recommended to me by my chiropractor. I went to my Ra Dr. and he said I had to stop the plaquenil. I couldn't take both and had to make a decision. I chose to stop the supplements and continue with the plaquenil. As the Ra Dr. said.he doesn't know whats in the supplements as they are not regulated by FDA. Plaquenil has been proven to work, etc. I have never had a problem with that since. The Ra Dr. did say that plaquenil is rearely made in its pure form and most often comes in generic forms where there are other fillers that people may have problems with. Different companies have different fillers. I use to get really bad gas pains when I got my meds from one store. I would definitely call your Dr. ASAP no matter what because you may have to stop it. Good luck!I had the same reaction to plaquenil when I first started itchy spots on my torso.  I went off of the plaquenil for a couple of years I believe.   The plaquenil was later added back to the other drugs I was taking and I haven't had a problem in the last 13 or more years.  Kind of weird...

My RA doc said you can become allergic to anything at any time. I broke out in hives really bad after 18 months on Bextra. Not a comforting thought is it?

What else are you taking beside plaq? While it is likely to be the new drug it could be an older one. Benedryl every 4 hours will help. Call your doc! Pred shut down my hives from bextra but it took a few day for the bextra to leave my system.

So sorry - hives are horrid.

As with all things, if it is strong enough to help you, it is also strong enough to hurt you.


Hi I've been on Plaquenil for about 13 or so years and have not had a problem but like someone else said "You need to call your Dr." just to make sure of what is going on. 