To light sleeper SuzQ | Arthritis Information


I was dx'd with RA and FM.  I take same meds you take, plus a wee bit of pred.

I have mostly muscular complaints and pains.  I'm also a light sleeper.  If possible, try getting yourself into PT (doc wd write for your PT) and working out with a PT-designed exercise program.  Helps with pain, stiffness and insomnia.  I am doing MUCH better all over after just 2 weeks

I don't do sleep drugs, but valerian and Hyland's Calm Forte do the job for me!  Try a health food store for those.

Best of luck.  Write if you have q's :)


Thank you very much for your suggestions. I will speak to my Ra Doc about the PT and I will look into the other sleep aides you suggested. I know some people take antidepressants to relax the muscles so that they can sleep through the night. I am hesitant to do this because of the side effects from the antidepressants. I am also scared because of soo many medications for my liver to process. My Mom died of liver cancer at a young age and it was soooo fast. She was healthy 1 min and died 4 months later. It is hard to decide and balance all the pros and cons for each medicine. My Ra Dr also wants me to take methotrxate or arava within the next 6 months. I am scared listening to everyones side effects : (   What are you going to do? It is what it is. I am trying to remain positive and think about all I have to be grateful for : ) Sorry for rambling .
