prevention mag | Arthritis Information


 Has anyone heard of a book called WIN THE WAR WITHIN? Got an ad in mag today to send for this book. How to get rid of inflamation. Now I'm skeptical about these things but I'm thinking of ordering the book. Has anyone heard of ARACHIDONIC ACID. This is supposed to cause inflamation in our bobies. It's probaly a farce but it's money back guarantee. Thought I would look on net first and ask you guys as you are full of info! Thanks Pat  The author is DR Floyd H Chilton.pat5239006.7738657407

I think it is a fish oil book.... should be a small help to some of us. I really wish something work!

I hope you don't get ripped off.

marian39007.6662962963Hi Pat....I love Prevention Magazine but I am not sure that they screen all of their ads for validity.  I have ordered a lot of the Prevention books and they are sort of a carbon copy of their other books.  With all of these crazy diseases it's no wonder that we are all looking for a miracle. 
I heard on the news this evening that even though fish is laced with mercury, the benefits outweigh the poisons.  But, ob/gyn docs tell pregnant women not to eat fish and if they want to that they should limit it to once a month. Scary!

Luv, N&T

N&T - to that defense, there are a lot of things that we eat on a daily basis that our bodies are used to, that you would NEVER give a baby, let alone an unborn one. So I can see where that is going. Same thing with taking meds. It really does just come down to the fact that a fetus is so sensative. We, on the other hand...yeah we're hardened by life! LoL You'd be suprised at some of the things you've eaten, or eat every day, that would be harmful to a baby. Its weird. But makes sense!

Marian and N&t,

    Thanks you are probaly right. I f it sounds too good to be true it is. I guess like all of us, we wish we could find something that helps without all the side effects. Pat 
