ya feeling?? | Arthritis Information


Hey Roxy;

Yesterday was your first dose of MTX fight? How ya feeling?

No bad reaction??


Good morning Lovie!!!!


I feel like such a baby.  I am just fine.  I have been tired but that is because dr had me take a sleeping pill with the MTX.  I also started plaquenil last night.  It made me feel good

It feels wierd being off of work for the first day.  I feel guilty.  I feel pretty good except my fingers and feet are a little sore.  I tried to go out and prune the roses - but got tired out real quick.  Anyway, my problems seem so small compared to many.  Please let it stay that way!!!!!

Thanks again Lovie. 

I'm glad to hear you're doing ok. MTX is going to make you tired at first too...that will get better. I take mine on Saturday now and usually Sundays are pretty lazy days for me. Sometimes I feel like a zombie. I just relax and nap all day. My husband (Bless his precious heart) knows just to expect that and we just consider it our day of rest like the Lord intended it to be.

I'm now on MTX 22.5mg and Humira weekly. I am doing better than I've done in a very long time. I've certainly had my share of hard times but with the right combination of medications you can manage quite well. Everything I've found that works eventually loses it's effect after a while and I have to either adjust the dosage; or change medications all together...that's just the way it goes as the disease progresses I suppose.

When I was first diagnosised 11 years ago I was a stay at home missing work for me was not a problem; that was a very difficult time. I don't know how on earth I would have managed had I been expected to be on the job everyday. Don't feel quilty about that. You'll get to a point you can manage. The right medication will make all the difference in the world...and so will a positive attitude.

I now work a full time job and rarely if ever miss work. I have gone home early on occations. I've thrown my back out on several occations and had to come in late...but came in never the less. Those times I wasn't here more than a couple hours and my boss will say "Go home and take it easy". My boss is awesome and will tell me to head home and rest if I'm not feeling well; but I come in everyday. Keeps my mind off of my problems to be working. I personally think it's good for me although I know some of us can't manage it. A lot depends on the type of job you do.

I agree with you about the positive messages. We need to post more of the good stuff; but so many of the folks here are new and it can be so hard in the beginning just adjusting to the diagnosis. It's a shock and can be very depressing. We all need a place to discuss those feelings too. Let's all try to make an effort to bring up some positives everyday. (I've noticed several people trying this and it makes me very proud!!) I'm a big supporter of a positive thinking. Even when I'm feeling bad....the way my mind thinks will effect the way I feel. If you're constantly telling yourself "I feel like crap" "I can't do it" "My life is over" that's what you start to believe and these things will come to pass. The same things is true for positive thoughs. "I can do this" "I'm in control" "I feel great today" your mind eventually starts to readjust and rebelieve. These are all tricks I've learned from "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peele. I've mentioned this book over and over again here and one day....I'm going to get one of you to buys it. It's the best gift I've ever been giving.

Sorry to get so long winded. I'm happy to hear things are looking up for you Roxy. Continue to take it easy. Use this time off of work to adjust to your medications and to catch up on some stuff just for you. Don't waist your time feeling guilty or bad about all of it. You've been giving a life changing situation here. We all deserve a chance to readjust and accept it. I've had 11 years to do so...I didn't get this attitude over night; trust me.


Thanks Lovie.  I think I am going to go out and get your book this evening. 

I am tired.  I am used to being active and a day off is the day I like to "go for it".  Usually a hike or something.  I think some of it is I am depressed, so reading posts like yours always cheer me up

I have a doc appt this afternoon for my high cholesterol 335  eeks.  I cannot tolerate the statins - major muscle aches - they have been trying to give them to me for years but I always get muscle aches.  Now my rheumy tells me those muscle aches may have been related to the ra.  I don't know what to do..........  But I will figure it out this afternoon.


I love reading your posts.  You are so good at supporting so many..........  How rewarding that must be for you.  I am glad you are here.


Hey Roxy and Lovie!

Roxy im glad your experience with mtx is going good so far :) I hope it works well for you :)

Lovie, you are so right about the positive thinking deal, I am overall a pessimist but for the last couple months ive had that IM GONNA DO IT!!! attitude and its helped a bunch! I have been more productive, im happy about going to the doctors (i know its crazy) hehe just because I want to gain control of my life again. Its so important to me to do that. And hey for you guys that never lost control, I admire you. Its just hard sometimes but it helps so much to realize that having RA isnt the end of your life! hehe :D

ok lovie cover your eyes im gonna talk about you now heeehehehe

Lovie is indeed great, everytime I see her post I have to automatically read it! She's very positive and gives awesome advice. Which is so helpful to everyone here. Im also glad your here :D

*group hugs*

Jealousy,  Your posts are always supportive and fun too. 

I am trying to have a positive attitude.  I think when my sweetheart comes back, in four days, and we get out and do an adventure or two, I will feel better.  I just have felt so lonely since I got this dx.  People really do not understand.  The pain pills depress me also.  When I try to do the things I normally do, I don't last long and I get frustrated.  I am going to go get that positive thinking book today.  I am going to have a good day.  I am going to have a good day.  I am going to have a good day............You are going to have a good day!!!!! Weeeee 
Thats the spirit hehe. Ah see thats all ya need to lift your spirits. Your main squeeze to come back and you guys can go out and have some fun

You guys are so sweet! Thank you.

Some people might not appreciate my "Positive Preaching" but I've learned a thing or two about managing this disease for me personally. I won't sit here and tell you I don't have problems; even with the medications I'm on sometimes I lay in bed and cry myself...but I snap out of it quickly because I know what that does to me physically.

You can't look at your life as a curse constantly...or it will become one. We're stuck with this like it or not...I've just decided the only way to be happy is to accept it.

You guys have helped me too...more than any of you could imagine. I wish I would have had your friendship and support all those years ago; but better late than never I always say!!


Being positive is good for us.  I don't know about you but my rheumy tells me that stress is bad for RA.  It causes it to get worse and I have discovered that to be true.  It helps to keep a positive attitude. 

It appears that a lot of you share your dx with those at work.  I don't.  I guess I'm paranoid but I know how people start to look at you and if I miss work I can just hear the comments.  It seems silly but I share with very few there and I work with MDs and nurses and other medical personnel but it's personal.  My family knows and a few select others but I am afraid that if I share with those at work, some will think that I can't do my job or worse that eventually I'll file for disability.  I have at least 13 years more to work before I can retire at an early age and I hope to work every minute of it. 

My Rheumy also discussed discrimination with me.  He feels very strongly about insurance companies and employers discriminating against those of us who have the misfortune of getting this disease or others like it. 

I admit that since my dx, I have sold my two story house and bought a one story house.  I also made sure that there was plenty of room for a wheelchair if ever necessary and that I can cook in my own kitchen.  Now, this may never be necessary but I feel that it doesn't hurt to be prepared.  I still love the house and it is easier for me to take care of.  This does not mean I'm being negative about it, just practical.  Nothing says that we can't be practical and postive at the same time.

My motto, do what I can, get plenty of rest and hope that tomorrow will be better than today!

Cristine,  I probably would not have shared my dx except I am going to be on disability for 3 months.  My job has a policy that an email is sent out for people to donate sick pay until the disability kicks in.  I should have opted out of it but I am worried about money.  So far ra has been very expensive for me.  I also had to resign from my other job due to dx because I was working too many hours and my rheumy said I needed to cut back.  Now I have to deal with it.  Oh well, they can look at me sideways if they want to       I understand where you are coming from cristene, if I were working I would probably do the same thing. I also love you motto!
