Is it raining? | Arthritis Information


It's raining here.

How about where you are?

Cold, rainy and dreary-can I go back to bed please??Rainy for two days now. Not too cold, but it is very dark and
dreary     Rainy and dreary here but sun should come out very soon now.  Feeling very bad today.  No energy...... If it rains anymore I am going to put sand in my backyard and call it a beach.

The sun will come out, tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow, there'll be sun

Phoenix Az - not too hot and sunny

actually beautiful today

It's raining so hard, our visibility is like...5 feet. On the HIGHWAY we were all driving 25-30. O.O BUT...the cool thing about it is...I hurt before the rain, so now that it's letting loose, I feel GREAT. :-D Yay!

Hi Marian,

I'm in the Phoenix area too!! I live in Queen Creek. It is beautiful today.

Ahh... the bragger... "we got sun and it's a beautiful day"

We had sun too for about 5 mins

We had sideways rain though!!! Is that anything to brag about??? LoL It was so bad earlier, everyone was saying "Wow, it looks like a hurricane" It really did too. Saw two wrecks on my way to work, and a portion of the highway on the island was covered in sand. Always fun. And then you had to be right on top of the intersection in order to see the stoplights. Yay. It's died down now, and I hope it stays that way. I can't imagine trying to drive home in that mess at 11pm!! Eep! At least all this rain isn't snow....yet.We do not get snow

Supposed to rain again Wed and on the weekend. Typical SE TX FAll. No leaves falling, just raindrops.

[QUOTE=joonie]We do not get snow [/QUOTE]

I could always pack some in dry ice and send it to you lol.  The best thing about the snow is it eventually goes away and watching my Lab tunnel thru it.  At least someone likes it. 


Rain?  I dimly remember that it is wet stuff that falls out of the sky.  We have severe water restrictions in our area - can water garden by bucket only; and starting 1st Nov. will be able to use buckets only on certain days of the week.  Send some of your rain Down Under, please, but not in flood quantities 


