Could it be? | Arthritis Information


Hi - I'm new around here - haven't seen a doctor yet, just wondering...

   For several weeks now, I've had joint pain/stiffness in my back (one central spot with no recent injury), hip, knees and ankles.  (for the record, I'm 37).  It seems to wander, but my back and hip are pretty much always stiff or achy.  I've been saying for several weeks now that I'm tired - I seem to hit the couch for a half and hour or longer almost everyday by midday.  The ache seems to radiate, or almost pulse sometimes, but isn't painful enough to take a painkiller, but it is harder to get off the floor or get out of bed.  The ache/stiffness seems better in the morning (except my hip and back), and I get more stiff as the day goes on.  I find myself flipping in bed because to sleep on my right side feels almost like I'm sleeping on a bruise. 

   Strange enough, about 2 months ago, I had a serious UTI (happens often), but my doctor was very concerned that my urine had very high amounts of protein and he said, basically everything in it that shouldn't be there, even after a week of antibiotics.  The first question he asked me was if I had joint pain, and at the time I didn't.  We repeated the urine sample for 3 weeks and I also had blood work because he was concerned about my kidneys, but it all came back negative.  The UTI resolved and that was it.

   On top of all this, my dad was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis about a month ago.  Is this sympathy pain, or is something up with my body?  I'm guessing after reading this, you will all tell me to get to a doctor, but honestly, we live overseas, I have 3 kids and a busy life - is this a can of worms I want to open?  (How's this for healthy coping?)  I know you can have a flare up with RA, but does that include the clinical outcomes - meaning could my blood work or urine indicate a problem one day, but not another?  Is it better to see the doctor during this time I have the stiffness?  Am I on the right track here - I don't seem to have any other symptoms (like with Lymes or no history of an accident that would precipitate this).  I do have some history of hormonal issues, mild thyroid problems, but honestly, I just "got healthy" and my husband quakes at me starting a doctor/test sequence all over again.  We're kind of hoping htis will just go away - should I wait and just ignore it - I feel wimpy.  What to do...  Thanks for listening! 

hi jeninaustria, my name is Jamie and I am new here too, I was diagnosed with RA 4 months ago. Yes, you are right the best answer is to go and see the Dr. I can appreciate you not wanting to go to the Dr. just remembering that ignoring the symptoms will not make the problem go away. I sympathize with you about just recently "getting healthy" and wanting to stay that way but sometimes, unfortunately, that does include going to the Dr. Don't ignore anything that your body is telling you.  If you feel the way you do, go to the doc and have yourself checked out.  I understand the busy life with kids and a husband.  But, you want to be healthy to take care of them and be there for them when they grow up. 

My doc does a little survey on how I have been feeling in the past month so I don't necessarily have to go when I am stiff or flaring at that particular moment.  I do not know if every doc in the US does that or if they do it in Australia.  You can make an appt. and keep a journal on how you feel on a day to day basis.  Any info, no matter how small it is can be important to the doc.

Please don't feel as if you are wimpy.  Health problems happen.  Sometimes it is one thing after another.  Take care of yourself so you can take care of your family. 

Hope this helped. 

Your husband needs to deal because you need to well enough to take care of them and they need to take care of you.

I agree ---go to the doctor. What I find interesting is your recent UTI. My doctor explained to me that often an infection is a catalyst for RA. Not that it causes it but it will bring it out. I had a sinus infection and within a month my symptoms started. Good luck to you---keep us posted.

I would go see a good internal med. Be sure to tell the doc about the UTI, your Dads RA, and your thyroid.

I would not call something that has gone on for a few weeks at a low level RA, but something is not OK.

What antibiotics did you take? Quinolones cause terrible joint issues!