OMG!! My Hubby is sooo MEAN!! | Arthritis Information


He said I have "I blink memory loss."

He says "it seems like every time you blink you forget something."

So he says when I think of something or am told something I forget about it as soon as I blink LMAO

And you know what, it seems to be true LMAO!! I will be walking out to the living room to tell him something and then no sooner than I get out there I forget what I was even going to tell him. He has wisened up about coming to where I am if I call him as I usually forget what I was going to tell him, before he even gets back here.

But still... it was mean

I think I will try not to blink right after I am told something important and see if that helps me to retain it LMAO!!



joonie39008.852337963haha :)