***ERROR-RS-CODE:121- 4 MH*** | Arthritis Information


Enjoy cheese?  Is she from Wisconsin?  I only picked up on that because I am from WI lol.  Go slackers!  Wait I mean PACKERS!rando posted this at other forums. how rude! an affair gone bad.

awwww... who's to say it was an affair? I mean it is not like they actually met each other.


awwww... who's to say it was an affair? I mean it is not like they actually met each other.


who says you have to meet to have an affair? internet affairs happen all the time.

I am waiting for the poster of this flame to come to his senses and delete what he has written.

[QUOTE=lorrie]I am waiting for the poster of this flame to come to his senses and delete what he has written.[/QUOTE]

They probably won't come to their senses because they had no sense in the first place!! 

We can only hope they delete it.  Without a moderator here the chances are slim to none.  No wonder why we all go somewhere else and post.

This is what happens when there isn't a moderator.  This is much more damaging and dangerous than having the replies possibly censored.  I don't care if a moderator reads my replies or topics but I do care when a person (no matter the circumstances) is the brunt of someone's anger and malicious nature. 

Someone needs to be taught social skills and manners.


So um.....I'm nosey.

What the heck?

Whos Shannon? :(

And how is this mean-spirited?

Oo Oo someone share the dirt. LOL

God I have no excitement in my life...... :(

OK, I need to know too.

Help the poor lonely person please???



I guess that is the irony here...someone was trying to be mean and clever but instead we are all just confused!All my post says is error code. Once again.... I miss all the funLooks like whoever posted that came to their senses and deleted it.... it was 'edited' today... Thank you...whoever you are for deleting that horrible post!! This subject is now CLOSED!

It certainly doesn't make any sense without whatever the message was.

BUT; know the folks in question it was in no doubt some inmature attempt at some fun.


I wonder if we really do have a phantom moderator, and he actually took care of it, whatever it was!  Now isn't that a good thought!

We should name him Bob.



Bob, oh bob, if you exist, please make the other thorn in our side disappear



I just had an epiphany(hah, not really). What if the phantom is a GIRL?!

Ya'll are missing the obvious, aren't you?  Shouldn't Casper be his name?

OOooooo Ms Smarty Pants Sara there...

Haha But but but WHAT IF IT'S A GIRL?!?!

Oh! If we stick with the Casper theme, she could be called Wendy


Casperina?  Casperette?  Casperella?

Or maybe we don't care about gender in this 21st century, yes?

Susan--who knows?  Apparently, it was nasty enough to be kicked.

Or dumb enough that the person that wrote it had second thoughts and deleted it before too many people began to think they were really stupid; inmature and might we say jealous?


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