after knee surgery | Arthritis Information


Well many of you know I had arthoscopic knee surgery about 6 weeks ago. It was slow going at first but after the second week the healing process started to pick up pace and thing were comming along pretty nicely.

The past 2 days it has been stiff and has popped many times. Have any of you ever heard of this or experienced this?


I have had 7 surgeries on my left knee.  YAY!  NOT! LOL.  Are you still in physical therapy?  If not, are you still doing the exercises they have you do?  You might be retaining some fluid on your knee.  It would account for the stiffness and popping.  It sometimes happen after we start feeling better and using it more.  Call your ortho and let them know you are stiff and popping.  They might give you a cortisone injection or if there is a lot of fluid, drain it and cortisone injection.  Until you get in, elevate it when you can, ibuprofen (if you can take it), ice it when you can, and some simple leg lifts that they had you doing in PT.  If you have someone that can massage it for you, massage from the ankle up.  It sends the fluid back into the venous drainage system. 

Hope you feel better soon!

Sorry to hear about the surgery.  My knees pop a lot but have never been operated on.  I hope you feel better soon!  Love and hugs!I'm just glad you got past the surgery and that there is life on the other side. Will you do my two for me? I don't want to go under the knife? Noooo!!!!

YES. About 10 weeks after surgery I had to go to New York on business. Way more walking and at a faster pace than was comfortable - too many people to poke along. So I over did it - slow down Crunchy. Baby it. If it does not respond within a week, go see ortho again, OK?

OUCH!!!!!! Are you in rehab for the knee? How about some gentle water exercises or resistance in the water???  Better yet...the hot tub

Crunchy, I'm glad the surgery is behind you. My husband had the same kind of surgery on both knees and was able to function very well for years. As I remember, it took a few weeks on crutches and taking it quite easy before he was able to get around. Good luck.Kay -  You are like me so I can scold YOU.  SLOW DOWN and let your knee heal.  Damn that felt good. 

Thanks for pointing it out guys!

   Sorry to hear about the stiffness and popping of the knee. Crunchy, please do your excerises and slow down. It takes time to heal. The excerises help stop the buildup of scar tissue and increases the range of motion.
   I'm 5 wks. post-op and my knee gets better every day.
(had a total knee replacement) If I don't do all of my excersises, I will have more pain than I should. The deep knee bends kill me and I've gotten stuck a couple of times.
   Crunchy, do things until you feel tired and then get off the knee. We want you to get back to normal.

I had knee surgery way back in 1982.... and.... the exercises are a bitch, but do help.   I am in real estate and had to show property all the time, so I wasn't very good at resting either.... but it does get better, with time and exercise.....  Take time to do those dumb exercises, because it does help!!!   Good luck with staying off the knee.... Crunchy,  hope you are slowing down