Big Scab but I want my Enbrel | Arthritis Information


I fell in the driveway the other night.  Fall #3.  I have several scrapes but two on my knee that are very deep.  They are scabbed over well so I was wondering.  Would you take your biologic with this?  My body could really use a boost.  Tired of this self inflicted flare.

Also - we are all falling in love with the house more everday.  As each piece of furniture finds a home and box gets unpacked - the whole household is feeling happier.  I was very ill yesterday and actually spent the day sleeping on and off.  I feel so much better today.  Today is a beautiful sunny day and in Oregon you have to appreciate those.  I am hoping to get out a little bit.  I have only left the house a few times since we have been here.  The windows help so much when I am house bound.

We have planted six of my plants in the yard I moved.  It makes the yard feel more like home.  This yard has so much potential.  I cannot wait to be well enough to work in it

Oct. 30 is my first doctor appt.  I am asking for a script for PT.  What a difference that will make

I think, but not sure, that it more a problem with an existing infection.

Call your Rheumy.

And, I think I am going to send you an Operations Manual for that body of yours. It is going to cover "Walking 101," "Standing from a Sitting Position," and "Don't Fight with the Marble Table Cause It's Going to Win." Or, maybe you should write up a Park Ranger's citation for environmental damage against a precious resource. Or least post signs around the house that say, "Please Don't Damage the Roxy."

Estatic that you are learning to love your new place. God knows what He is doing, we just have to remember to give Him the benefit of the doubt.

Roxy, I would, but I don't have any history of skin infections.

If you are sure those scrapes are not infected at all, and you take every precaution to keep those wounds clean and un-infected (light covering and antibiotic salve or a spray like Bactine), maybe you could risk it.

Please be more careful. Accidents happen when we are too tired.

I would say yes.   If they are truly scabbed over then they are healing. If
they are open and large I would say no....

But...when in doubt ask a doc...


Yeah, I agree, probably just fine as long as they are not infected!  Might want to do the neosporin cream just in case!  Also helps scraps from scarring!

I'm so excited about the new house for you.  It sounds absolutely beautiful!  Once you get settled in, your going to have to post some pictures for us!

The house looks better every day.  Today I was feeling better. 

I know my doctors, they will tell me to have a doctor look at it.  I don't have a doctor here

What a difference in moods around here.  Brett is in a good mood, Kelsey is very happy and I am finally feeling some calm.  I unpacked five boxes today and did three loads of laundry.  Also got my freshwater aquarium set up.  Now we have the saltwater, a freshwater, 3 cats, 2 dogs and one snake.  Everyone is loving our new home.  I can't wait to post some pics but furniture and boxes are still everywhere.

The yard is so gorgeous.  I can't wait to see what pops up in the Spring. 

One more week and I am supposed to hear from job I applied for.  I pray I can do it.  It would be good for me, make me take a shower

We are all deciding we did the right thing and forgiveness is in the air

Brett is ragging on me to take it easy but it sure is hard.  I can't wait until the house is at least neat.  Forget the painting and such until I am feeling well again.  Kelsey loves her room, she wants a neon pink wall

Brett and Kelsey are getting me Mexican food to go and a movie.  It is fun trying the new restaurants.  YUMMMMMMM.  I could not eat for awhile I was so stressed, now I am ravenous