Prednisone | Arthritis Information


Hello all,
I'm on 10 mg of Prednisone and it seems to be making me VERY GROUCHY!!!  Anyone experience this?  Does it go away?  I'm also exhausted on it, is that normal?  I thought I would get a little boost of energy???

My husband dreads when I go on prednisone. I get so moody, I will cry, scream at anyone around, and then get depressed. I also gain weight rapidly and break out on it. That usually happens only when I am on higher doses (30+ mgs).

Yep!  Roid rage!!  I hate it!!  I seem to do` ok at a maintenance dose of 7.5mg but I recently went up to 30 for a while and I'm just now down to 16.  The grouchies are getting better as the dose goes down but definitely still an issue. It also makes my depression much worse.

  Higher doses can cause muscle weakness but at 10mg, you should be tired from it.  Are you in a flare right now, that'll definitely make you tired as all get out!


I think I am in a flare.  I'm beyond exhausted.  I can't hardly keep my eyes open.  all I know is I'm tired, i hurt and I'm grouchy.  Bad combination.  I didn't think I would be so grouchy on such a low dose but I think that is part of it. 


Prednisone will swing your moods...  rob you of sleep and most of all make you very hungry.   All just to further complicate how you are feeling in general.


Good luck dear...  and remember that we are all here for you !!!!

I dread the pred.  My appetite was balanced with the stress so I was not eating like I did last time I was taking pred. during move.  Guess what - the appetite is back - also I am very sensitive and I am only taking ten.  GRRRRRRRRRRRRR"Dread the Pred." Nice one, roxy.Now I know why people avoid me!!! just being short tempered and tired.  Since I have been down to 7, I am improving, but at 10... watch out!!  I should have thought it was the pred!  Also on 10 or more, I bruise so easily.  My arms can just brush something and ....oops there goes another bruise!  Now on 7, my arms aren't as bad with the bruises..... but now my left knee has been hurting.  I wonder if it's the decreased dose?   I'm really trying to wean down, so if a little pain is there, that's okay with me, as long as it's not too bad! 
