My Diet think | Arthritis Information


OK....back to weight.....after just ingesting a delicious slice of Entemanns Raspberry Danish.....I think it is time to get the weight off of my body and give these joints some relief/


Anyone else game???

Yeah...I'm starting tomorrow.  I have 20 lbs I'd like to get rid of. 

Now I do exercise everyday no matter what....but it's the snacking I've been doing that's caused the weight gain.  So starting tomorrow there will be no more snacking....and I need to add more fruits and vegetables.  Also gonna drink more water.

Good Luck Gena!

Any specific type of diet???  Anyone have ideas???



Me too - I just finished a box of Whoppers and I am ready to rock and roll.  I need to get rid of this extra poundage - my lack of exercise has really done me in, can't be helping this RA.  I'm with you all. I wanna join :( Do I have to give up Chineese food?

So I am cleaning up my diet andwith water exercise - I  should feel pretty good about myself.  Right now I am feeling old, flabby, and worn out.  No good for the fragile self esteem you get with RA.

So what kind of diet do you guys do????????  Anyone live in OR and want to go for walks with me I don't think halloween candy is part of the diet process~~~   Why do I buy candy I'd like???? And... I'm not even going to be here for Halloween...  guess it takes me back to my childhood!!!    I keep it in my pantry, out of sight... but then remember it when I see halloween commercials!   Butterfinger and snickers!!     Boo hoo....  welp, today is a new day and I've just had my grapenuts cereal... not too bad for a start!

Hahaha hush Vicki! I think it should be a rule that on diet threads, you can't mention forbidden foods. Hahaha

I buy Nutella spread for my chocolate cravings. At the very least, it has much more protein than most chocolate, and if you only dip things in it, you rarely end up eating even a full serving. Mmmm it's SO tastey...

I could try walking. I feel more accomplished if I jog, but I am afraid of the effect on my knee :( I want to buy a little MP3 player to listen to, have to wait till next payday probably though. :( Oh well.

Glad I don't have to give up Chineese...I've been craving it ALL WEEK and we're headed out tonight for some. We have this nifty place called Formosas. It's all to-go, they fill those large styrafoam boxes with whatever you want for 4.99!!!! Can't beat that! :)

Since we got that crockpot, thats what all of our meals have been! :) I would think that's more healthy than how we were eating, because EVERYTHING we make has veggies in it. And I don't like gravy all that much, so we haven't made anything really fatty. ( I

My new addiction is those green giant microwave steam bags. They have all kinds of veggie mixes, and they only take a few minutes. They have flavored packs of veggies too, and I've eaten a whole thing of it to myself for a snack before...Yummy!

lol phatgirl! I had pancakes as well this morning... ugh.
I really tried hard last week and lost a pound, but with prednisone and RA things are slow as a crawl.... ugh

I had Chinese for dinner last night!  But it was Sweetest Day and I am sick (good excuses, eh lol).

I am in on the weight loss.  I am going to watch my portions and watch what I shove into my mouth.  Lots of fruit, veggies, and lean meat.  I can't really walk outside anymore since it is getting so cold out up here in the Frozen Tundra (BTW PACKERS WON!!! ).  I have a Yoga and a Pilates DVD.  Probably will do Pilates. 

Good luck to us all!!!

Hey all...anyone want to go vegetarian with me?  I tried it about a year ago and loved it.  I have reverted back to my bad habits and am wondering if that would make me feel better.  It can't hurt, right?  If you think about all the junk we put in our bodies.  O.K., I'm off my soap box.  If anyone is game.....


Do you have any vegetarian recipies?  I look on the Web and some of them do not seem very appetizing.  I would have to cook 2 seperate meals because I KNOW my husband will not give up meat.  But it's worth it. 

Hey Phatgirl2,

I'm a vegan (1.5 years, vegetarian for 10).  If you have any questions, let me know.  It isn't necessarily a healthy diet... depends on what you eat (I have a vegetarian friend who lives on mac n' cheese, white rice, and ice cream LOL), but it certainly can be.  Since I've gone vegan, my cholesterol rocks!


Thanks!  I'm just so darn surprised that animal or animal byproducts are in so much stuff....not to mention the obvious.  What about all the candies (gelatin), although I probably shouldn't be eatin' them anyways

Congrats on being vegan!  I'm thinking that anything I can do to help my body is bound to help my RA!


Here is an article from the Arthritis Foundation on exercise and weight loss.  Lots of good informative stuff. 


grammaskittles39013.1292592593I do the whole lean meat, whole grain, veggies thing. It helps
me if I cut up a veggie platter and mix up some dip (with fat-free
sour cream). It is right there when I go for a snack. I still have to
have cheese though.

Roxy~ Have you tried the whole grain pasta? There are some
brands that are dry and just taste bland, but I have found some
that taste almost like regular pasta. I couldn't give up my pasta if
I tried, but I have altered a lot of my old recipes a bit and found
some new favorites. How is everyone doing?????  I'm doing O.K., not the best, but it could be worse.  I'm still hanging in there!
Hope everyone is doing o.k.

I am not liking not having any Skittles!!!!  My Skittles dish is empty and sad

You are doing better than me.  Pumpkin Crunch was calling my name...I had to have a piece.  About 30 g of FAT

Tomorrow is another day.



I managed to eat fairly healthy ad McDonalds, If you can believe it. I just got the grilled chicken sandwich with almost NO mayo and had like..4 fries. LoL Those sandwiches are really good, and on their list they have the least fat and cal. Works when you're on the go and have to do fast food. We're making a pot roast today, I upped the veggie count in it and used low sodium beef cubes for the broth. Cutting down on my salt is really a bigger issue for me. I read SOOO much about how salt can adversly effect RA, and I must admit, my salt intake is pretty crappy. I got some DELICIOUS veggie chip things from Target and they've been my main snack lately. They're called Archer Farms Garden Veggie Sticks. They're made of potatoes, Spinach, and Carrots. EXCELLENT stuff. When we went to the chineese place, I loaded on the veggies and went for the chicken stuff. Figured that was healthier than beef and pork. The palce we went to had terrific spinich wraps, and I admit I indulged there a little. LoL I've also cut my snacks almost entirely. I think I was a boredem eater. If I had nothing to do, I'd snack. It was hard the first few days, but almost overnight my snack cravings went away. I'm not really hungry, it was just something to do. I'm on my last case of soda as well. I'm going to be sticking with flavored waters and tea. Yay! So far so good! :) Those viggie sticks sound delicious.  I'm going to have to see if I can find them. 
I am with you on the boredom eater thing.  I am a very emotional eater.  I need to get off that!
Keep up the good work!

I've done pretty good so far.  No snacking at all...just been having fruit in the evening. 

Tonight we're going out for's our I need to make proper choices.  Gonna try anyway...

Keep up the good work girls!

Yay us! :) We've litteraly stopped going down the chip aisle and the cookie asile at wal-mart. We just go right past them! LoL It was hard at first, but I've kind of forgotten what was even down them, so I don't even have the desire anymore!

Many of you know I have been down this road many times before....I have always had the most success with weight watchers....but if you are not interested in WW, then you should do some research online to find what your caloric intake should be each have to reduce that to lose weight...there are lots of websites that help you calculate how many calories you can have each day and still lose weight. Then you have to keep track of what you are having each day. You would be suprised at what some things have in them and what your perception of a portion is. Many times we end up sabatoging ourselves because we are getting alot more than 1 serving.  Another trap is forgetting things, a bite here and a taste there add up during the day...if you count and measure, and write down things for 1 week, you will lose weight!

I had alot of success with WW in the past...31 pounds in about 12 weeks...I just acted like a little piggie and gained it back...I will never do that again....I am going to lose the weight again and NEVER gain it back.

LoL! Well congrats to you. I'm gald WW works for you. We're some po' folk though! :( I have to admit...I was bad when I had the pot roast..I made TWO roast sandwiches :( BAD ME! But I ate so many veggies...LOL I don't eat that much anyway, it really was all my stupid snacks that made me gain weight. But I'm done with those! :)I know...I havent been going to ww..because I didnt want to spend the money either...but I still follow the point system...I seem to do better with points than calories...but I have done the calorie counting before too....I just tend to go over board...if you cut back too much, you lose alot fast...and gain it back almost immediately.