
In this book "There is a cure for arthritis" Paavo O. Airola, N.D., the author wrote "Does it work? If the remedy works, if the therapy can bring about permanent betterment or cure-then it is the correct one, even if it happens to be contrary to accepted thinking and endorsed conventional practices!"

He further stated "while drugs and injections may relieve pain and modify symptoms, they do not go to the bottom of the problem, they do not eliminate the underlying causes, nor do they correct the systemic disturbances. What is even worse, these conventional remedies, being suppressive in nature and having undersirable toxic side effects, interfere with the normal bodily processes and actually inhibit restorative and healing efforts of the body.  Eventually they cause more damage than good and lead to a complete invalidism".  "They do not promote the healing processes, nor do they provide any lasting benefits".

I have had experience and benefit form herbs and natural foods. I agree with the author.


The message is simple appropriate herbs and natural foods to fight arthritis effectively.

The most important is to address the pain which appropriate herbs can.

No drug and injection - no problem because it works more effectively and naturally.

This is how I overcome arthritis. It is not an instant, short term and quick fixed affairs.

The herbs absorbed in the body, have medicinal value that travel in the blood to counter and adjust metabolic and autoimmune systems. It goes to the root to fix the pain and convert toxic into wastes and dispose naturally. I feel all the processes in the body. I understand the disease and flare ups well.

Herbs and natural foods have all the nutrients, fibres and all those components needed to help lower bad cholesterol, smooth passage in digesive tract, kill bacterias and viruses, and adjust metabolic disorder. By improving the healthy level of the body gradually, I have been on natural foods for 15 years.    

Today, scientists and researchers have been dispatched in dense forests to look for plants and herbs and even deep seas to gather seaweeds and sea resources. There are organic foods' stores flourishing and hard selling cos emphasize on 100% natural.

Find a right natual foods so that one can be on the correct road of healing.

I have read some of the posts, namely complain:

1. rainy days can cause pain;

2. cannot tolerate drugs having serious side effects;

3.  pain causes short hours of sleep or sleepless nights;

4. mobility restrictions - difficulty in movements;

5. stiffness and swellings;

6. under the knivies - this surgery and that surgery.

7. coughing, lung infection, pneumonia.

If it works the body can counter all these problems. It goes to show that disease and infections have easily overpowered the body's weaken resistence.

As a layman who does not know much about drugs but taking simple herbs and natural foods can overcome all these problems without a hist. Gradually built-up healthy body repels the symptoms and the disease naturally.

Rainy days have no effect because to me everyday is a sunny day! What I call "It Actually Works Naturally". Finally the bottomline i.e. the result shows!


For one skeptical person who talks about "snake's oil" suprisingly this person introduces "emu's oil".

Is this person a sales person for emu's oil?

The pain can start from shoulder's/chest's/knee's joints etc.. I have had experienced after taking herbal formula to fart continuously and release regular bowels for a few days.

Once the detoxed process is over, pain is gone too!

Fartings and sh*ttings are bodily adjustments to "plush out" the toxics. Pain leaves the body naturally.  
