Elimination Diet? | Arthritis Information


I just had a quick question. I had been hearing from some
people to try a "diet" of sorts where I eliminate certain foods and
gradually add them back in to find out if anything in particular
helps trigger the RA or fibromyalgia, or makes me feel worse in
general. Does anyone know anything about this, or where I
could find out this info? I have read some books and looked at
a few websites, but nothing gives specifics for how to do it. Any
input would be appreciated!! It has always made sense to me Sara.  Truth is I am just too lazy.  I have definitely heard people do better without dairy, wheat, or processed foods.  So I avoid those foods.  Let us know if you do it.  I really think it is a good idea.  i did the elimination diet.. but it was extremely difficult to follow. I also ended up getting some damage while trying to adjust to the diet over a span of 2-3 months. If you have willpower, i would recommend it but dont go off of all your meds until you see some results

I have days that are pretty good and days that are so-so and days that are bad. I always eat lots of well....everything. I love milk and cheese and yogurt...and eggplant and tomatos....I generally feel better when I am eating low fat, nutritious, fresh foods and I generally feel sluggish and bloated when I have been munching on chips, cookies and fast food. I think that is true of anyone, RA or not. I have not found there to be any corelation between what I eat and how my joints are behaving.

I think that anyone considering playing around with food in an attempt to control RA should talk to their doctor first and even better, a nutritionist.  You dont want to eliminate things that your body needs, and at least should be supplementing with vitamins.

Thanks everyone!! I wasn't going to try it yet. Even though it
might help, when I am in a flare I just want comfort food. I think it
would make me too stressed if I couldn't have cheese or
potatoes!!! I know in general what makes me feel healthier, but I
just wanted to know if I make myself worse joint-wise by eating
certain things. I agree that it would be best to see a nutritionist
than try to figure it out myself, I just wanted to find out a little so I
don't feel like an idiot when I talk to them!!!

P.S. I am also lactose intolerant, but I will deal with feeling a
little sick if I can have a good Vermont sharp cheddar, or some
fresh mozzarella...mmmmm....yeah this diet thing won't work for
me....I actually did some googling and found an answer to my own
question. It may be useful for some of you.

http://www.hopkins-arthritis.som.jhmi.edu/mngmnt/nutinra.htm lRASara8239013.4577430556At one point I had some food allergy testing done by a chiropractor.  there was a lot of things it showed to stay away froml.  It would be almost a full time job just to read labels in order to maked sure to keep these things out of your diet.  I gave it a good try but it was difficult.  At one point I went on a diet of raw fruits, veggies, nuts and fresh juices and that did make a big difference in how I felt and weight loss.  I did try going off my med. at that time which was a mistake.  I know it definately does not hurt to add some good nurtition.  Keep up the research and I'll always check out what you find.  Be Blessed.


I went on an eliminatioin diet for RA 5 years ago.  The first 3 days I had oatmeal for breakfast, no lunch, white fish with sweet potatoe and broccoli for dinner. I was pain free so I added 2 foods I normally eat each day for a few days untill I added chedder cheese. After 8 hours I noticed the pain had returned.

Kept up with the e-diet for a few weeks adding everything I eat, without the cheddar cheese, and had no pain. A month latter I tried cheddar cheese and had pain. 

So the cheddar must be the problem but if I eat swiss or monterey jack I had no pain which didn't make sense. 

Then I tried natural cheddar cheese and had no problems!   The only difference between the two cheeses is the food coloring 'annatto' which comes from the red covering of the seeds of a tropical plant. Annatto is used for coloring for cheese, butter, yellow ice cream... etc.

My recent blood test show everything normal except the RA factor which is very high. My doctor doesn't believe that  annatto is my kryptonite but can't explain why I have been pain free for 5 years without any medication.

Like you, I love sharp cheddar cheese and have it very often but only natural.

Hope this helps you,


Chas Hart39026.8548611111check out the book "the makers diet" as well Rocxy: You had food allergy testing done by a chiropractor?!!
What did the testing involve? Am ever so curious because of my food intolerances and allergies.  Thanks.  Take Care

Yeah..that is kinda weird...I mean, they arent really qualified to do that....

I have often wondered about food allergies because I have this whole thing with the hives. No doctor has ever suggested allergy testing. I would like to have it done but I am always so busy with my OTHER doctors. sigh... but damn, I have had hives for 4 years now...that is a long time. I found out that I am allergic to latex so the whole hospital enviroment wasnt helping. But even so, I still break out alot since I started the Remicade even though I take allergy pills.

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