How many of you are HLA-DR4 + | Arthritis Information


How many of you folks have been tested for the HLA-DR4 gene?  If you are HLA-DR4 positive, what did your doc tell you about the gene and how it relates to RA?



Been reading this board for awhile and this is my first post. I was planning an introduction but saw your question. I was just told I tested positive for the Spondylitis (I'm sure I spelled that wrong) B27 gene. Not sure what that means either. Anyone else know?Fairygirl; If you check the home page of this site you will see where they have alist of diseases where you can find some basic  info. on what you are looking for under Anklosing spondylitis.  Also at the bottom of the info is websites you can go to and get more info.  I hope this helps you out.  meme

I just received a book I ordered from Amazon called "Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis". It seems to be very helpful so far. In regards to both the HLA-DR4 and DR1 and HLA-B27 genetic markers it says that the presence of these genes may indicate that a person is susceptible to developing RA.

In my case with the HLA-B27 it is associated with a form of inflammatory arthritis called spondylarthropathy, which can affect the spine as well as tendons and ligaments. My rheumy said it just helps him confirm his diagnosis.

Thanks fairygirl


That's good info.  Let us know more about the book.
