Nevermind lol | Arthritis Information


I decided to delete this post.  I hate my depressing posts and I hate the lifestyle changes I am supposed to make due to my ra.  I know it pisses many of you off how I fight taking care of myself but life is so boring and unfulfilling to me if I cannot be active.  Claire, Yes I am on Enbrel but it only lasts a few days and I am not excited to change drugs.  In fact, I was doing well when I was doing water therapy regular.   I am really hoping water therapy and less stress will give me more of my life back.  My life has "simplified" tremendously as far as activity level but I am just too hyper to lay around. 

I'm wondering if enbrel is helping you.  You mentioned that you also take percocet.  I'm on enbrel and currently don't have any pain or stiffness (I'm hoping this continues!).

My Rheumy gave me excellent advice when I first came to see her.  She said learn to simplify your life, and don't be too proud to ask for help when you need it.  I've tried to follow that advice as much as I could, without allowing myself to feel like a burden.  It's not easy, is it.

The "W" word is certainly a wake up call~  Are you having lower back pain from all the lifting you are doing?  Is your prednisone helping at all with the swelling?  I have low back pain all the time, and it's from a degenerative disc, and spinal problems.  The RA meds didn't help that, only low back exercise, lidoderm patches I put on my lower back area, and rest.  I sleep on my side with a pillow between my legs.  The water therapy should help a great deal too.
Take it easy..... let others do it~  I know it's hard when you are an independent woman, like me!  Good luck and rest!! Roxy -
You are *far* too motivated and stubborn to be in a wheelchair just yet. (and thats a GOOD But take it easy! It sounds like you already found the good Docs. Lucky you! Enjoy your water therapy, and keep us posted, I'll be praying for you. :)

If you do happen to end up in a wheelchair......I'm *so* gonna have to send you those wheel clickers that are so annoying......hahahahaha When I end up in one, that's what I'm doing. I'm hoping it'll make people get out of my way.

Good attitude Katie. I'm going get the clicker thing too. As for those  perfect A** that block people in chairs and just could not possibly step out of the way - I am going to accidently run right over over them. (You know who you are - bet you don't give way for firetrucks and ambulances either.)

Roxy 'they' told me when I was a kid that I'd be in a chair at 40. I'm 52 and while powered scooters do call my name occassionaly at freak mart and costco, I'm still walking.

I admit to being glad not to have to cope with stairs very often. a terrible disease, but try to remember that it's also terrible on our loved ones. Women  seem to handle it better if their man is sick, but men do not know how to cope.  Brett has been thru this before and he is probably thinking  "oh no, not again".  He fell in love with you because you were so healthy and energetic and you made him feel like a man again and now that is disappearing from his radar.  Remember that love and communication works like magic.  Roxy I hope that you do not feel that I am preaching. I am just trying to put a different spin on your situation. We as human beings probably should not try to give advice to people that we do not know because there is always two sides to a story.  So forgive me if I am way off base with this post. 
Let us know all about the water therapy. 

I remember when my JRA first got really bad.....the start of
middle school (as if the beginning of middle school isn't bad
enough). By Oct. I was in a wheelchair. At first I was so
embarassed, but eventually it got better because all the hot
guys would push me between classes    Roxy you just need
to find some hot guys to push you around. Maybe you could
hire some using that new paycheck!!!!Roxy I pray you get to that water thearpy sooner than later.  I wish I was close enough to that myself because it is so wonderful.  Also I have a friend who is a massage thearapist and sometimes when your not in a whole lot of pain that also would be very good.  She says it helps to remove the imflammation out around the joints.  Be sure to drink lots of water afterward to help flush.  I have just about talked myself into giving her a call myself.  LOL Praying you have a good day.

N & T and all -  What the hell.  Tell the truth.  I am tired of secrets.  Brett started drinking the second day of loading trucks and refused to help.  I had to call friends in while my husband was passed out in the bedroom.  We had to wait for him to sober up but he would sneak out back where he had a bottle and drink some more.  He treats me terrible when he is drinking.

We got here and he drank the first three days and then I told him I don't care if I lose the house, I am not living with him.  He sobered up for about a week.  Then out of the blue, drinking again.  I can't handle it.   He keeps saying he is going back to rehab but he hasn't gone.  He is horrible to live with - not physically abusive but Kelsey and I tip toe around him so we don't get yelled at.  It has been four days since he started drinking again.  I want him to leave.  I love him there is no doubt but I love him sober, I HATE HIM DRINKING.

I have not told my family yet.  They will be so worried and upset I bought the house.  If my disability goes through and I get that job I can make the payments.  I am so dependent on him.  I cannot lift even though I have way too much.  I still want him to leave.  My family are all type A with their own lives.  I don't want them to feel like I need them to physically take care of me, I came here for there emotional support. 

So right now I am just waiting for Brett to get back to rehab.  I know all of the advice all of you can give me.  It is my problem but I am tired of all the misunderstanding.  I am up when Brett is sober and down when he is drunk.

I am waiting it out right now.  His family supports me immensely.  He knows how miserable we all are and I am confident he will go to rehab.  He is just torn between how much needs to be done and having to go back feeling like a failure.  I am not torn at all.  I wish he would have gone back the day we got here. 

His behavior directly correlates with my well being.  I love life - I won't let him take me down with him.

Good news.  I just heard Brett on the phone with the insurance company.  He is going to an inpatient rehab in Eugene.  Not far from here.  Peace.  Thank God. Oh, thank God.  We are all so worried about you guys.  I am glad that he is going to get help.  Roxy,
I know what it's like living with an alcoholic (my ex and my parents).  I hope he follows through with the rehab.  With everything else you have going on, this makes it that much more stressful.  My sister went to alanon to learn to cope with my mother...  I didn't have the patience for that.  When I divorced my husband, it made me much stronger and more successful in my work.   Good luck and know that many of us are praying for a good outcome for you.
Roxy I am so amazed at your strength and perseverance in spite of all you have been facing.  Your spirit is so strong, and so is your heart, so I am confident that you will ultimately come through all of this, scarred maybe, but not broken.

I do have one thing that has been bothering me though, and out of concern I must ask.  Will your getting this part time job have any impact on your application for disability?  I don't know how these things are done,-- I am totally ignorant of the process, but if they do an investigation and see that your working, could they deny your disability?
Hillhoney,  I looked into that.  You are allowed to work up to 10 hours per week.  This job is even better because it is 2.25 hours, 4 days a week.  I think it can easily be justified.  Especially since it is in the afternoon.  You can make up to 0 a month.  That is exactly what I would be making.  I would make a day, 16 days a month.  Isn't that amazing how that came into my life