Catching a cold & Remicade on Thur | Arthritis Information


I've got a sore throat and think I've caught the cold a co-worker brought to work last week, she's on antibiotics for bronchitus. My next Remicade is this Thursday. I've been so careful not to catch anything since I started biologics, has anyone else had this happen, get sick just before they were supposed to get the infusion. I have 2 days to see if it gets worse than a sore throat, but when I was just on MTX it would take me at least 2 weeks to catch what the girls brought home and then I'd get at least twice as sick and it'd last twice as long. Your sickening experiences would be appreciated.

I have been sick twice since starting Humira this past summer.  I currently am dealing with pneumonia and will NOT be doing my shot today.  I have to wait til I am done with my antibiotics and then have to be checked by my RD for the all clear.

Because our immune systems are suppressed from the RA and then you add biologics and pred into the picture I feel we get whatever germie we catch that we can't fight off worse than other people usually get it and our being miserable with it lasts longer.  Lots of fluids, lots of rest, and lots of giving yourself TLC (which is hard because of being the "caregiver" most of the time to our families) helps me a lot. 

Be so careful. I had a sore throat in August and I took my Enbril shot. I got soooooo sick and it took me 3 weeks to recover. Wait a week to take your injection or call your rheumy.

Good Luck.

Not promoting anything dangerous, but I have to admit that I've sometimes chosen not to mention colds and other infections, in order to maintain my Remicade schedule.

Early in my treatment, I noted that when I had an infection or whatever, the timing was often comfortable enough for the doc to still give me the medicine. Based on those instances, I've discerned that some of my routine ailments are not worthy of mention, as long as the worst of the symptoms have passed.

I think that's what it's all about - timing. Also, if your immune system is further compromised by antibiotics, then that's nothing to play with, and the doctor should know. My druthers is to ride out a bug without antibiotics and to time my infusion for the latter part of the infection, when it is safer for my system. 

It is important to note that everyone is unique, with responses specific to their own system sensitivities. I have had the good fortune of responding very well to Remicade and related medications (minimal allergic reaction, etc.); a more reactive body would probably do best to report infections like a well-behaved patient should.

I'm not a well-behaved patient, so heed my words with that in mind.

I had a similar thing, got a throat infection just before my Infliximab (what we call Remicade in Britain). I talked to my Nurse Specialist who said to stop Methotrexate for that week and get some antibiotics (although not useful for a cold I know!) but cutting out the MTX gives your body chance to fight. My hospital just booked me in a week later for the Infliximab.

Hope you're feeling better!

I get lots of times when I think I've caught a co-workers cold but by using cold-ease lozenges (they are loaded with zinc), it turns into a false alarm and just goes away. Lots of rest, and water also helps - if not worse in 2 days then go ahead with remicade.

If I have ANY elevated temp I put the Remicade off...

Cripes, I'm already on the back page, but thanks for your responses. The sore throat isn't much worse, but I cancelled the Remicade until next week, thanks Logiatrix. KT297, I had already not taken the MTX from last week when I found out the co worker was sick, so now I'll get to see just how well they're working or not working, I'm only taking the Pred. One of the good things about the drugs you take for RA, you can adjust them if you have to. When the girls were little & came home sick I'd always hold off the MTX until they were better.One of the things about taking drugs like MTX long term is that they build up in your system. My Nurse told me that even though I might miss a week, there will still be a residual amount in my system that will be topped up the next week. I suppose what I'm saying is even if you're missing a dose of some meds it might not be exactly the same as not taking them at all..Same type of problem here.  I had to skip my Enbrel injection this week due to a very bad cold.  Just curious if this is what I have to look forward to.