relationships | Arthritis Information


Hi All,

I have been getting used to my PA diagnosis for a while and am just getting into the swing of a combination of Infliximab (Remicade), Methotrexate, and Etoricoxib. It's helping but the disease affects my spine (yes, all of it, sacro-iliac joint to neck), shoulders, hands, feet and chest (chondritis). So my mobility is impaired, I am in pain lots and on different days I can do different things. I am very stubborn and have managed to get through work so far with a lot of help from my employers. BUT I just started seeing someone and I am panicking about telling him. I can't work out when to say something or what on earth to say - I think I've been holding back from him because I'm worried about it. I have cancelled a couple of dates on limping days so he won't see that and I tried not to flinch when he playfully grabbed my shoulder. Anyone got any advice to offer?







david morgan39023.3375231481

Thanks for that David, I'm going to talk to him - this weekend! Just needed a bit of 'gentle encouragement'...


KT, you remend me of me, i aslo have alot of pain in my lower back sacroiliac area. i think my pain stems from that area. when i ache all over it seems the pain is coming from that area. i also bagean dating a man in may. so it is early on im our relationship, and now recently diagnosed with this. I have told him that he may want to jump ship because i may turn into a mess here with this PA. he told me he would take care of me then. well first i was like wow, he really loves me. but the more i think about it. He has know idea how bad it can get, so who knows, but we only live once and he is a wonderful man so i am not going to let him go out of fear of what the futute holds for me physically. Kt are you in your 40's also?


No, I was 30 this year. I had a chat with him and it went OK at first but we seem to be drifting apart now. I think partly my fault because I have been having a massive re-surgance of pain, think it's because I'm due my infusion next week... Anyway, because I feel so rubbish I've not really been making an effort, going to work and the little bist of housework are about all I can manage so I'm cancelling dates and stuff. I think it might turn out to be a kind of test if you like, if he can cope with me being all doped with painkillers, hobbling around and not able to do much that's a good sign! We'll see how it goes... I hope things go well for you - your man sounds like he wants to make a go of it and that's the first step isn't it?

