How many years young are you? | Arthritis Information


We did this about 6 months ago, but there are soooo many new people, and well...I am nosey...

So how old or young are you?

What age were you diagnosed with RA?

What age did you first start noticing symptoms?

Okay I'll go first....

I am 32, dx'd at 31, first symptoms at around age 24????maybe, give or take a year...


I'm 23. JUST. As of Oct 14th.

Dianosed at 18months ISH. First signs were 18months-ish as well. My mommy was great :) Is great, actually. LoL

Crunchy!  You just read my mind..  I read you last post where you said you graduated in '92 and I almost responded to that one....  so many younger people here!   Welp.... I'm one of the older ones!  57 (ouch!) ..I was diagnosed 2 years ago.  I have osteo, which came on about 18 years ago.  The RA diagnosis came after I had been treated for terrible stomach problems and weight loss (i ate, i pooped)....  then the blood tests, which they did so many things, came back RA positive.  What a shocker, never thought about that being my problem~  so, since then, I have been agressively treated by a wonderful RD. 
Ok... so Crunchy.... answer your own questions please.... I am curious too Whoops.... sorry Crunchy.. just saw your post with your 'vitals'!!!  You youngsters....  My son is 31....  I could be yours and Katies mommy!!!

I am 52.

I got my official dx at 25. Started to have chronic problems at age 21 jr year in college.

I was born with a bone grow disorder - Fairbanks disease. Drs told my parents when I was 3 that I had arthritis. Shriners hosp in Chicago dx the bone grow disorder when I was 12 by looking at my younger brother who was 7 but has a more severe case than I. Shriners also told my folks I had arthritis at age 12. Family doc mentioned it at age 16. Nobody ever said RA when I was a kid. It was cyclic not chronic in my childhood. My Bro does not have RA.

So maybe it has always been with me but maybe not! I can't remember not having foot and knee problems! But the hands did not start in until I was 22 or 23. 

Hahaha My mom is 46... :/ She's a youngin! No one EVER believes her when she says she has a 23yr old daughter! I'll have to get a pic on here for you to see! Hey, while I'm thinking of it, if anyone wants to see me, my myspace has good pics.


Katie-I want to be your friend! Nice pics---that fish stick was freakin sweet....

PS....I love M*A*S*H* 2!

And the fishstick thing...well....

My cat is weird...and so I call her weird night she wouldn't quit attacking our bedroom window at random, so I yelled at her "STOP IT YOU FISHSTICK FACE!" It's been a joke ever since....


 i am the old lady  58...diagnosed about a year ago although actually felt the pain several years before.  Have been in a clinical study and now on enbrel  nothing helpin so far H-honey....your no poser...dgd and oa really hurt....and just because tests say one thing dont mean anything...alot of us here know that!I'm the oldie here, 60 and counting. I got formally diagnosed a little over two years ago. Before that, they diagnosed me with fibro and OA. I've had arthritis of one sort or another since I was 30. If it makes yall feel any better, so far none of yall are as old as my mom. She is 63. But LInda are close! hahaSo far...I'm the baby. *does a dance* I'm here for everyone's amusement...haha "oh look at Katie...she's so young and clueless" HAH. And I am! :) Don't plan on changing it any either....hahaha

I'm 39. Diagnosed at age 19 with Still's Disease (Adult-Onset Juvenille Rheumatoid Arthritis). I also have Cushing's Syndrome from too many years on prednisone.

I tried to post a pic, but it came out as a little red do we post pictures?


An aged to perfection

My family first noticed something odd with me on vacation at Disney World. My mom had a stone in her shoe and was limping - they thought it was cute that I was "copying" her.

The Rheumy who dx me said that there was a one-in-a-million chance the 6m Rubella vax triggered the JRA. I also had a severe strep throat around the same time.

Reeeaallllyyy....Why did he think that the vax would trigger it?

My mother always thought I got it because she didn't breast feed. It hurt her too bad :( She always thought that she had deprived me of something that I needed! She's so silly.

I wonder if there are alot of people with RA who once had problems with strep throat...I had it alot as a kid, and then last year, before my big bang...I had it again for the first time in years, and bronchitis....Hmm I dunno. Cause I was a healthy baby, save for some typical jaundice(sp) and a couple ear infections. Now, I know AFTER being diag. with JRA, and being put on meds, I've always been a sick kid. I had the MASSIVE fever and millions of spots during chicken pox, and I would get strep throat EVERY year sometimes two or three times. I also got bronchitis and pneumonia all the time, sometimes both at once. I was also always ALWAYS getting the flu. Ugh. I would get random rashes that looked like allergic reactions, no one could ever figure out what they were from. I'd get random fevers. I always had a runny nose. LoL You name it, I had it. I suppose there's some connection, but I don't know what exactly it would be.Nana Nana Boo Boo - after reading through the posts on this thread it seems as though I'm the oldest in the neighborhood - I'll be 62 years young in December.

That's right 62-years young. My personal philosophy is that when you forget how to have fun and laugh at yourself then you're old.

Deal with OA and RA. My rheumy doesn't say I'm in remission but at this time "it's under control." Was formally dxd in July 2005 although for close to a year the pain was continually worsening until I couldn't take it anymore. Actually had symptoms that I brushed aside for about three years. After  asking question after question after question and researching I "strictly by accident and purely by chance" came across what caused the onset of my RA. A number of years ago I had a fungus infection. which once it began, rapidly spread almost over my entire body. It actually followed the lymph nodes of my system. My medical care was poor at best and thanks to the internet I found out what caused this: Sporotichosis Fungus. My gp at the time and a skin  specialist didn't recognize what it was!!
Tests have been run but nothing conclusive after all this time. After showing my rheumy the close-up photos of my entire body she was convinced and was totally appalled!!  However, the fact remains I do have RA and knowing the cause doesn't change the treatment. It was what it is.

Will post a thread on the Sporotrichosis fungus at a later date.  You all take care - you hear.

I'm the baby!!


22 years old and dx at 12.  started noticing symptoms right around 11.Just diagnosed with fibromyalgia two weeks ago....its been a struggle. I have been off drugs since 13 and into remission!

My mom has done so much for me that she has become my best friend and my support. Without her, I'd of fallen apart....always thank the ones you love! On;y becuase they will ALWAYS put up with

It is interesting how alot of the people who were JRA seem to hit a sort of remission during the teen years...I mean, I know it is not true of everyone....but still it seems very common...I wonder if hormones are a factor.

I just turned 32. Noticed first problems 3 months ago, although about 3 years ago I woke up each morning with a stiff pinky finger, but shrugged it off!

I also have 2 other autoimmune things, Ulcerative colitis diagnosed at 19, and had 3 surgeries for it and a total of 3 months in hospital!

Also psoriasis, but both are under control.

I am determined not to let this one get out of contol, get married to my stunning boyf and live happily ever after... (of course I have already achieved my goals in the career world and look forward to the next stage of life) RA and all.

Crunchy: at your mention of strep throat I do recollect as a child from late fall through early spring I seemed to have one dirty rotten good-for-nothing nasty cold after the other, often developing into pnuemonia. Must not forget to mention the accompanying earaches. The winter of my third year in school was most dreadful. Recall becoming sick in the early part of October and the cold, etc. never went away. My tonsils were removed while infected in December for it was the considered opinion of the doctors then that I wouldn't make it through the winter.

My problems with allergies and asthma didn't begin until I entered adolescensce and they didn't go away. Still to this day I would prefer dealing with my allergies vs a cold. Don't know if my mtx will control my allergies like the prednisone has done-for me an unexpected positive side affect. Will be weaned off the prednisone in December. Come Spring I'll know for sure.
Wow you were a sick kiddo! It is weird how all of this stuff comes together....I wonder how much research has really been done on patterns of childhood illness and adult auto immune disease....Well, I'm not quite as young as Katie or Sportiemeg, but I'm close. Still in my 20's anyway, at least for another few months. I'm 29. And like Katie, my JRA was first noticed when I was about 18 months old. Also, Katie, you said your mom is 46, and people can't beleive she has a 23 year old daughter? Well, my mom is 47 and people are usually shocked when they find out she has a 29 year old son. In fact, I can't even count how many times when I was younger and would go in for doctors appointments or operations or whatever and my mom would take me and everyone at the hospital would think she was my sister. lol Don't think she minded the misunderstandings too much. I'm 35. Dx'ed at 22

Hi ladies....oh I love reading these.

I am 46 years young. I was diagnosed exactly 1 year ago but I have had symptoms for 20 years. I was really bad a year ago....seriously wheel chair material. MTX was a nightmare for me. Enbril saved my life!!

Now I have forgotten the other questions. I live near beautiful Lake Michigan on the North Shore of Chicago. I have 2 boys. The oldest is soon to be 16 and get his drivers license and the younger one is 13 and not hormonal yet..which means he still snuggles with me!

I have had allergies, asthma, strept infections and feet problems my whole life. Respiratory problems have always been an issue!

There has to be a connection.


I'm not very good with this computer,truly a newbie.Thought I might share.I'm 40,and like a lot of you I have always had strip,bronchitis,pneumonia,ear infections I had a really bad case of mono as a teen.I can't remember a time I have not felt tired,I use to thank I was just lazy. 

Crunchy~I'm on 10 of Pred (probably should be higher, but I'm dragging my heels), and I just took my 1st dose of Mtx last night (10mg).  The pred takes the edge off,so I'm not miserable. 

I enjoy reading all the posts...keep them coming!


Well, I USED to be the youngest one here, until all you other
JRA weirdos joined in!!    I had symptoms around age 10,
dx'd JRA age 12, fibro shortly after. I also have asthma, and
today I have to go get a bunch of tests done for my heart and
hormones. Apparently the prednisone messed around with
something!I'm 44....have had RA since I was 30

I am 53. I was officially diagnosed about 10 years ago, but didn't get any treatment more than lots of aspirin until 2 years ago when it suddenly worsened really bad.

When I was about 12, suddenly my hips started "going out" on me..  Looking back I'm wondering if that might not have been the beginning. Since I've been on remicade my hips have almost completely stopped "going out." Suddenly they hurt deep in the groin and felt like they were dislocating.

I also had a lot of strep when I was a kid. Bad tonsilitis, and scarlet fever. I was sick all the time it seemed. I nearly died from measles. Thank god for vaccines.  My mom had german measles when she was expecting me. I was born with  severe hearing loss, nearly cleft palate, collapsed lungs, very mild cerebral palsy, and a hole in my heart..

The big 50 but I don't look it or feel like I am emotionally. I still plan on getting out there with the ahhhhhhhhh 30 no maybe the 40 year olds.  I am very curious about the respiratory link that appears to have affected most of us as children!  I had severe bronchitis, tonsilitis, and asthma as a child.  I sort of "grew out of it" in my late teens.  I was in picture perfect health and a dynamic fitness fanatic until I also experienced fatigue and a swollen "hot" knuckle joint on my right hand.  It quickly moved into my wrist, and my diagnosis followed shortly thereafter, once we ruled out carpal tunnel syndrome.  I was 37 in 1997 when I was diagnosed.  I am 46 now, so it's been 9 years.  I've learned much in that time, and forums like this are priceless to that end!Alright. Someone needs to print this thread and send it to someone willing to research. This is some crazy BS. :| 99% of us dealt with serious resp. issues and ear infections, and throat problems growing up. So..anything involving mucus. LoL! There just *has* to be something there! >.<

75% of patients with JRA will go into a more or less permanent remission in their teens. It probably is the hormones, many autoimmune diseases often go into remission during pregnancy as well.

As for the repeated respiratory infections, you might want to get your IGA levels checked (simply blood test). Selective IGA deficiency, while rare, is commonly associated with RA, among other autoimmune diseases.

I suppose just having an immune disorder could make us more susceptible to infection. My immune system is too busy having a bar fight

I'm 38....diagnosed at 26...symptoms about 23.  It is hereditary on my moms side of the family. many of us do have this is the family? My mom was JRA dx'd age 9 and my grandma (her mom) has moms cousin was dxd with MS about 8 years ago in her 50s.My mom has RA, diag. about 5 years ago? My grandpa(her dad) has it as well, diag. 10 years ago? My aunt(her sister) has a thyroid problem(immune disorder) my grandmother(my dad's mom) is diabetic(another immune disorder) Hmm..I think that's the lot of us.. arriscolwell39016.8499768519

I didnt think that Diabetes was considered an immune disorder....but yeah, I have that in my family too.

what happened to your myspace???

it is! i didnt know either, but its true. What do you mean what happened?? I never got on it yesterday, didn't have the chance. With Justin feeling better he's been a comp hog! Grrr. Is it messed up looking? I also had bronchitis all the time when I was a kid. And allergies.  I have asthma now but it is an adult onset from a bout with pneumonia way long time ago.  No diabetes yet but it does run in my family on the maternal side.  I did ask my doc what are the chances of one of my girls developing RA and he said the chances that 1 out of 3 of them developing this are pretty high.  At least I know what to watch for and can get them or urge them to get treatment right away.


I'm 36, was dx just this year but have had the signs for a couple of years now.  I had really bad tonsils when I was younger and had them removed when I was 4 but never had bronchitis, pneumonia or anything else like that.

I have an uncle who is only one year older than me!!!  My grandma had him late in life, my mom is 56.

I am 53; was diagnosed five years ago and felt great when I was on the Enbrel for a year. But insurance will not fully pay for it any more ( I would have to pay 0.00 of it..might as well be the full 00.00) so now I am on Orencia. Have had five treatments and it isn't helping the pain and fatigue; however dr says it will stop the joint degeneration. This is my first post here. Hope it's okay.

Welcome aboard!I am 40. Dx was in Sept 05. I had lots of childhood sickness too with allergies, pneumonia, strpt throat. Hmmmmm....we are on to something here. I also had pericarditis twice in my early 30's. Appendencitis one year before my dx. [QUOTE=arriscolwell]Yeah I'm starting to wonder if I'm getting a cold or something. I feel like I've been hit by a truck, but ONLY my left wrist hurts, and thats like...WONDERFUL for me. LoL But I'm soooo tired and my ribs are sore, and my shoulders up into my neck, and my thighs. But it's muscle ache, and hurts if I touch them :( Ugh. So gross. I hate being sick. Has anyone ever tried that airborne stuff? Or any "cold preventing" med? They seem a little silly...[/QUOTE]

Taking immune boosters is bad for people with RA.  I can't take anymore and was advised not to by my doctor.  Just an fyi.  :)

I am 34, diagnosed at 33, onset at 33.  I don't know if I had symptoms earlier, I suspect they were RA and I didn't recognize it.
Why is taking immune boosters bad for people with RA?  I had that theory, that's why I haven't jumped on it. Gramma, my guess is that it can induce a flare. It IS your immune system attacking you after all. If you take something to boost it, it might act up in the wrong way. eh, I'll just get some extra sleep. It's what I always do anyway!My rheumys have always said to stay away from echinacea too,
since that is an immune booster. It's in Airborne and a lot of
teas. Never even thought about that.  I blame the sickness lol.  I swear I sat here for 10 minutes thinking why is that bad and I couldn't think of it.  It's so obvious too.  I'm gonna go put on my dunce hat now and sit in the corner.  Actually I'm starting with the chills again so I am gonna put on my hat and snuggle under my blankie with my dog. 

I'll just say I'm 77 and get outta here.

P.S. Have mentioned before, I'm staggered at the young age of many who come here and get saddened reading some of the posts. I think about all of you a lot but feel helpless. God be with all RA sufferers.

Haha, poor gramma! I forgot earlier to do this...


Yay gramma got bigger font! *blows a party horn*

~*   <--- That's confetti. I swear.

You are not a dunce.  We are all constantly learning something new.

I actually was taking Airborne every day at the time I went into my first flare.  I think it helped induce it, but that is just my theory.  I was feeling awful and slamming the Airborne like it was candy and I got so miserably sick.  I was drinking loads of coffee for the fatigue thinking I was just overworked and tired.  I loved my Airborne when I was able to take it.  I still recommend it to people that are without the disease.
I'm 29, diagnosed when I was 24.  Doctor says I probably started having symptoms at 16 (hospitalized for serious infection, but they said it was from stress).
I just saw x-rays yesterday after two years of living in a country where the medication isn't strong enough.  I am really upset to see some erosion in joints in my feet and hands.  I already have some deformity in my little toe and my pinky finger.  Apparently I've got very little joint space in some of my joints. 
The doctor is really pushing me to go on methotrexate.  You all have given me half good half bad information.  Still scared of it, and it doesn't make sense when I'm hoping to have children in the next few years.
I'd love to work hard to fight the progression naturally.  Any advice?  Any good stories?  Bad?
I'm feeling overwhelmed and undereducated.

Plaquenil, Sulfasalazine, Motrin 
Im 18...I was dx at 8 with JRA....its been a fun time, but I still do what I love, I dont let this icky stuff keep me from it :)

I am 43 now.

Was diagnosed last year at 42 with an abrupt onset following a viral illness and significant stress at the same time (finding out husband was having an affair).  I think the combination of everything sent me into a flare.

The flare continues a 1 1/2 years later.  Currently on Enbrel, oral MTX and Prednisone.

Little Mermaid~

Love your name!  My daughter's name is Arielle after the character.  I have Disney "issues" as my husband would say.  I am not allowed in any Disney store with any form of money at all lol.  I wanted to work at one but he said no.  I have to bring home the money...not spend it where I work.  What a meenie!!!  LOL.

hehehe i love disney redheads rule :) Yes, redheads rule!!  I love it because people are afraid to make us mad cuz of that infamous redheaded temper.I'm a redhead too, at least for now.  The haircolor is not natural, but the temper is!

Glad to meet you Little M!

I am 52, diagnosed at 33, did not take anything other than motrin until mid 40 when I had an awful flare.  Now on remicade, mtx, folic acid, celebrex and prednisone.  I have a lot of friends with some type of autoimmune disorders from, RA, to MS to fibro.  We use to swim in a public swimming pool growing up that was fed from the river after passing to manufacturing plants, we tend to think that might have had something to do with thinsI was first diagnosed with RA at 26 (I'm 54 now).  After years of inflammatory drugs that ate up my stomach (and ended up in the rubbish), I am now on the max dose of MTX and 1200 mg. of IBU. (No more predisone for me!) I also gave up the high paying desk job - I could barely move by the end of the day - for an outside job that keeps me moving all the time. My two-year old Lab-Retriever mix also helps with that!

I'm functioning and after reading some of these forums I know how fortunate I am for that!
I am 42 and have had RA for about 10 years but my mum said looking back I used to complain of joint pain as a child( drs said growing pains) I got really ill with flare ups( didnt know that what they were then ) 18 years ago after having a botched epidural during labour, i ended up with spinal dura. We lived in South Africa then and a few years later i got tick bite fever and was really ill and the joint pain got a lot worse, was only diagnosed RA on returning to the UK. I also have degenerative disc disease and a dropped disk in my neck which is causing my head to fall forward and numbness in my ring finger and little finger. Due to go for an MRI 18th December.

Hi I am 28 and was diagnosed when i was 23 I was always sick as a kid had to stop playing softball and volleyball because of my ankles and knees at times.  It really didnt hit my until after I had my daughter.  Still going strong taking one day at a time.

I turned 52 last week. I'm told I don't look it and I don't feel it, well, sometimes anyway

I was diagnosed last June,finally,after years of dr appointments and anti-inflammitories. I've had symtoms for at least 5 or 6 years.

My rheumy told me yesterday to stay away from the herbal immune boosters.  They are counter-productive since we are trying to suppress ours.

I had lots of horrible sore throats growing up. They've gotten a little better the last few years.

I will be 42 in January (same birthday as Richard Nixon 1/9!)

Showed symptoms around age 28 and was finally diagnosed with full blown RA at 33 after my children were born.

I'd say I have moderate RA and Enbrel has worked wonders!! I just started my 50th year.

45 and feeling it

At 40 got tongue cancer and had radical surgery to remove half of it and graft a piece of my arm with a vein onto it.  Still get nightmares from that surgery.  Then asthma, psoriasis (small patches on back of scalp which have dissapeared after using coal tar shampoo for a few months) and now RA!  

I think I have it moderately, only dx'd in July but symptoms in feet and wrist, hands and shoulder since January this year.  I told my GP I would rather have cancer then RA, he understood exactly what I meant.  Only been on treatment for a few months and feet improving as long as I take 2 Mobic every night, very expensive but worth it.

My son at 6 got Stills Disease and after 8 very painful months it dissapeared!  I cried buckets, he was in agony.  He is now a healthy, very active, 17 year old, I am worried since diagnosed that it will come back.  What are your thoughts?  He was a severe asthmatic from 18months but has outgrown that eventually or passed it on to me!

This post is a good idea, because often I wonder how old y'all are


Gosh I cant beleive yall dug this ofd thread an old bone in the back yard!!!lol


35 plus tax


WAHH.... turned 58 last month WAHH......I'm one of the oldies... but goodies!!

I'm 40 -  I was diagnosed in 1998. Suddenly started with the fatigue and swollen joints and pain, I thought I had lead poisoning or something cause I had just moved into an older house and was doing alot of remodeling work. I went in for a physical and my GP did blood work - found the positve RA factor and then referred me to the University of Utah Hospital for further diagnosis....and whaalaa! I got my very own case of Rhuematoid Arthritis


[QUOTE=hessalina]I will be 42 in January (same birthday as Richard Nixon 1/9!) [/QUOTE]

OMG I did not know 1/9 was Nixons bday!  That is my youngest daughters bday too! LOL!

