update on my RA | Arthritis Information


So I went for my second infusion of Remicade on Monday...uneventful....and no changes so far. But one thing interesting happened....I got my lab results back and my Rheumatoid factor was positive! After all of this time being negative, now it is positive. I was pretty suprised. And in a way, releived...I kept wondering if none of the meds were working because there was some mistake and I didnt have RA. Now I know for sure. So, the meds just havent been working b/c.....well...I dont know why....but at least me and my doc arent CrAzY!

Hi crunchy, I felt the same way when my rheumatoid factor finally came back positive after 8 years of no abnormal tests. It gives you some kind of closure at least. Hope the Remicade works for you.

Hey, I know I posted this a long time ago, but here goes again.

Remicaide is used on Crohn's patients as well, and Justin's doc gave us some very interesting information on it.

Remicaide is made using human and mouse DNA proteins - works for most people for quite a while. However, it has a tendency to quit working unexpectedly. They have attributed this to the mouse DNA proteins. They are 99% sure that some people actually develop anti-bodies that attack it, making the remicade useless!

Humeira(sp?) is made with ONLY human DNA proteins, so far they have had no one develop an immunity to humeira.

So if you suddenly find remicaide not working for you, ask your doc about humeira! But do note that remicaide can take a few infusions before you notice any difference. :) So don't give up on it! It does work for lots of people! I just wanted to give you a little bit of info! :)




I actually was on Humira before the Remicade....didnt help at all....Enbrel gave me killer migraines....so if Remicade ever stops working then it is on to Rituxin....

Does anyone have any cheese????

The methotrexate you take along with the remicade suppresses your immune response to the remicade. This (in theory) means that your body is less likely to attack it and stop it working. I hope this reassures you a little bit!



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