MS scare over | Arthritis Information


Well i just came back from my second trip to the neurologist and the results of my second MRI and nerve conduction tests. It's not MS but is fibromyalgia syndrome and RA with tunnel carpel thrown in. Fibro can cause you to have overreactive muscles and nerves and that evidently showed up in the tests.He's still worried about my abdominal complaints and wants to send me to an abdominal specialist. I am so sick of all these specialists. At this point after already being diagnosed with RA, OA, fibro and Sjogren's syndrome I just want to get better. He also thinks some of the meds I'm on may be causing some of the visual disturbances I have- like no night vision and the inability to see what color the traffic light is in some bright sun conditions. My health plan says if I don't get figured out , they'll refer me to Stanford. What so you think friends? I am just so glad you dont have MS!I think you're on the right track....Look at it this way, wouldn't you rather have a bunch of diagnosisisisis(hah) than to have all these unaccounted for symptoms?!!? What meds are you on? Make google your friend! Look them up! Vision problems are rarely listed on meds that have it as a side effect, don't know why, but we've found that out through trial and error. Fibro is a lot better of a diag. than MS!

I'm really happy to hear that you don't have MS. It gives me hope as well since we have similar symptoms. I just realized the other day that I have 5 autoimmune diseases. I guess I'm starting a collection just like you seem to be.

Did they say that they were going to doing anything more for the FM? I would be very interested in that because they don't do much for mine.

Katie, I didn't know that FM patients were low on Magnesium and Potassium. But I already take those supplements. Low potassium also can cause heart problems. That's why they put me on it. But I was also on a diuretic that takes away potassium.

Seriously, if anyone has had any good results in treating FM, I would like to hear it. It really affects my pain, fatigue and the tremors.

Oh, but Linda, I am so glad your present scare is over with.

Deanna, when I get a moment, I will try to find the sites I read about FM on. I'm pretty sure they were linked from WebMD though. So you might wanna try there. I reasearched a lot of things when they kept telling Justin there was nothing wrong with him. I was SURE we were missing something. FM was my biggest suspicion. Actually, it still is...but that's another story. Start with WebMD, and trust their links, they've never failed me before!Linda,  I am so sick of specialists and more tests too BUT we need options.  More options the more they narrow down why our body is letting us down.  You have too much on you plate but Thank God you do not have MS.  Come here and let it out.  I sure do.  We love you and understand. 

I have this twitch in my left eye that I've had for about 24 hours now. It's making me crazy!!! Has anyone experienced this?

I'm with y aon the specialist! Sick of it.

Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I m so very happy for you. You must feel as though a huge
weight has been lifted off you. I know seeing another specalists is not
exactly what you wanted to hear but we do what we must to keep
ourselves healthly. I know how one autoimmune can open the door for 10
others so we all have to be aware of new symptoms and try our best to
stay healthy. Just thrilled for you!!!!!Take Care Good luck and keep us
upadate (((((((hugs))))) TerryThanks everyone. I had a good day and the part time job is working out for me. I'm going to see how things go. I need to go back to the rheumy and either get back on MTX or try arava. I really hate undergoing brain fog again with the MTX. I'm so much clearer headed off it and I have much more energy. I know I probably need to be on stronger meds to keep the hand damage from progressing. Has anyone gone to Stanford Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinic? The insurance will send me if I want to go.


I haven't had a twitch in my eye but I had a toe that kept spasming the other day.  It was funny to watch and annoying at the same time.

I do fingers and toes. We could make our own monster here and then Alan could write a poem about it.LOL my eye twitches. But never for that long! And my knee does as well. THAT is a strange sight. It looks like a little gnome is in there sliding my knee cap around. And - this is embarassing - I've had my butt spasm. LOL! Just like, one side, and just the far outer muscle, like almost to my hip. But still. That's just funny.

It's exactly like that kind of twitching Gramm. It's in the lower portion of my eye though and it's making me crazy. It wasn't constant today....but it's happened several times and I'm getting more concerned.

The vision in that eye is blurry at times too. I'm due for my annual eye exam but won't have time for it until after the 3rd week in November. I hope I can put it off that long; but if this twitch keeps up I might not be able to.

Linda, I'm so happy to hear that you don't have MS!!!!!   *hugs*