New Here | Arthritis Information


Nice to find this site! I am new here and I think I will be visiting many of the forums here as I have a lot of health issues.

A question I do have, and maybe someone can direct me is that I have a lot of muscle/rib pain. If feel as you rub along the ribcage right under the breast area, that this area is so, so painful/burning to the touch. I don't know if this is part of coscochronditis (sp) or something else that is going on...

Anyway..I will take a look around. I look forward to getting to now everyone and I wish you all well!
Thank you!

Have you been diagnosed with anything?

I get those pains and i have ankylosing spondylitis...not saying you have

I use to be a manager/supervior for a company before the accident. They I could never go back to that to much multiable tasking.

So I got a job as a MST at a hospital. Boy that was a big change from going from the top to almost the bottom in carrer changes, but I made it through. I start there this year in March, I took a lot of smerks from people because of my disablities like memory and being to slow and spelling as you can all see.

I didn't have to do a lot of lifting on the floor I was on. It was a new unit they were trying out. Well any way they closed the unit Nov 8, and now I no long have a job. Which means no health insurance. 

Now that I  have RA, I'm just wondering how hard it is going to be to find a job that will cover me on insurance since this is a pre-exsiting.diease.

I do get workers comp for the head injury and back injury. I was pain free for almost a 1yr until this hit.

My right shoulder strated to hurt and I thought I pulled a muscle by that night I was in so much pain I didn't know if I should go to ER or not. I could not sleep at all that night so I called work and said I need to go to get my arm checked. They did xrays and put my arm in a sling. They said come back in two day. Will I came back put now my left shoulder is hurting. I thought now this doctor is going to think I'm a quack if I tell him it has move to the other arm. (you remember I already have a head injury)

So I go to the rheum. Doc had to pull some strings there to get in or I would or had to wait months. So I see him and he started me on methroxate and celebrex, folic acid. Not sure how I'm going to pay for the blood work. But he said if I didn't take it I would be crippled. Gee thanks Doc.

Well that's all I know for now. Sorry so long. Being doing a lot of searching on the enternet. I'm use to pain I was in it for 2 yrs straight never would let up. That was muscle pain. Had to get a lot of shots in the back. But this is different pain. My pain may only last 24 or 48 hrs weird. The pain is bad,Then it like it nevered hurt.

Well I know you all understand I have been reading you posting.

Hope to hear from all of you.
