MTX and hair growth | Arthritis Information


Have read so many posts indicating those who are on mtx have thinning hair as the result of taking mtx. Have been taking mtx since May and my hair is as thick as a good-quality dustmop. However, my hair has almost stopped growing! Have colored my hair for quite a few years and it was quite easy to see how much my hair had grown. To keep it looking good means having my hair cut every 5-6 weeks. My last appt. was in June and there's still no need for me to make an appt. Is this to be expected from taking mtx? Should I ask my rheumy about this?

Hmm.....  seems like my gray hair does come in faster.....   but I don't think it's hair growth!!  Just a bad color job!  My hair has thinned out a lot.. I'm developing the "old lady cowlick" in the back top of my head..  I have to be real careful to look in the rear mirror before leaving the house!! watchingwolf - are you taking folic acid everyday?  How much MTX are you taking?Trixie66: I take 20mg. of mtx a week and 1mg. of folic acid a day.

Maybe that's not enough folic acid?  I'd definately talk to your Rheumy about it.  Some people are on the leukovin (? spelling) calcium and that is suppose to help tremendously.  I'm only on 5mg of mtx and am also on 1mg of folic...maybe it's just not enough for you.?