Tibetan Medicinal Bath treatment for RA? | Arthritis Information


What is it, how is it effective, and do you have RA with personal knowledge this works?More info please.....

Seanyoung, please tell us more about yourself and your personal knowledge of this treatment.  We are a very skeptical group because we are often the victim of internet salesmen selling snake oil.   You are welcome to join in our group if you are here for support and to share your personal experiences with arthritis.  But if you are here to just to profit off of sick people, we must ask that you leave.

In my opinion and experience, Tibetan Medical Bath and other similiar external treatments like accupunture, hot herbal bath, heat and stimulation, Ayurveda's bath are temporary helpful.

To some people they just know "snake's oil" and nothing else. In search of a cure, I have tried even poisonous snake's blood mixed with honey and alcohol more than 20 years ago. The most poisonous snakes are usually found in hottest areas. Their venoms are widely used to make painkillers and hypertension drugs. I have had taken this drugs then. Knowingly or Unknowingly this group of skeptical people are taking such drugs for RA yet they talk so much about snake's oil.

Perhaps taking Tibetan Wild Lingzhi is more effective in long run.

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