Coming off of MTX | Arthritis Information


Hey all,

Quick question.. I had bloodwork done and my doc said my liver results were goofy so she decided to take me off MTX to let it all calm down. So my question is, are there any side effects when coming off of MTX? Besides the obvious, some pain coming back (im on Enbrel as well) I take the injection cuz my tummy cant handle the pill. Also, when do I stop taking the folic acid?

Thanks guys, I hope you guys are doin good.
I don't think you ever have to stop the folic acid.  It's good for you.I stopped MTX about a month ago, at the end of a couple of months of slowly decreasing the dosage.  I haven't noticed any negative side effects yet.  I have noticed a fairly dramatic decrease in the negative side effects of the MTX (nausea, fatigue, etc.) which is good.  I'm on Humira and so far the RA symptons have not increased.  I stopped taking the extra Folic acid but still take a daily multi-vitamin that contains the normal recommend amount of folic acid.I have had to stop MTX for surgery (total 3 weeks).  Just stopped it "cold turkey" but didn't stop the Folic Acid in anticipation of returning to the MTX.  I wouldn't have known I was off it at all.  No side effects.

I just felt better after I got off the MTX...I didn't realize how crappy I felt when I was on it! If they are pulling you must be the wrong med for you. I am doing fine on Enbril and Planquenil.  I've been off mtx for over a month now because I couldn't take the side effects:fatigue, depression, dizzyness that lasted several days. I stopped the folic acid because the Dr said I didn't need it off MTX. I am feeling much better although the arthritis is a little worse. I have more energy and feel less depressed. Also, no more dizzyness and brain fog. That stuff is poison.

I don't know of any bad things for folic acid - you might as well finish up your supply.

I quit the mtx 20 mg cold turkey after about 18 months because I was getting giant hives (reason was never discovered as is often the case). I had no problems at all - I don't think it did much but make my doc feel better, and give me 'gut' issues for the 1st time in my life. Good riddence!

3 cheers for those it helps, but it just made me feel lousy for a day and a half of every week.

After about 6 months my doc talked me into arava. That is much easier on me..