Cold Weather—UGH!!!! | Arthritis Information


Well, I'm sure we are all in the same boat right now.  The onslaugher of fall/winter cold weather and all the aches and pains that go along with it.  And I live in Calif. which isn't as cold as the rest of the nation.  Everything is hurting more.


I feel the same way! It was about 20 degrees and windy today! I hate this weather! My whole body was aching! I wish it was spring! There is only one good thing about the cold weather.  FOOTBALL!  And...and....miracle of all miracles...the Packers won 2 in a row!!!  YAY!grammaskittles: I live in MN Viking country and being a PACKER FAN doesn't affect my ability to speak.  Life is good!!   

[QUOTE=watchingwolf]grammaskittles: I live in MN Viking country and being a PACKER FAN doesn't affect my ability to speak.  Life is good!!    [/QUOTE]

Wow a Packers fan that doesn't live in WI!  How do you survive being a Packers fan in MN??  We have family in IL and I still wear my Packers stuff when we go down there.  I get lots of dirty looks but at least I am loyal lol.  For me, a good game (especially when the Packers win) takes my mind off the pain for awhile.  And I have March madness for the spring rains lol. 

Hey all I gotta say is "DA BEARS"!!!




