What do you appreciate the most?! | Arthritis Information


Hey, Dave and friends....I want to turn the tables a bit.  Instead of focusing on the negative, how about the positive?  What do you appreciate the most?  I know RA is a 'bitch' but we have to keep our cups 1/2 full not 1/2 empty.

I appreciate that I live in an age where there have been advances in medicine so that I am not bed ridden.  My great grandfather was bed ridden in his early 40s with severe RA.  I'm 43 and I'm still moving and I thank God for that.

I've been a nurse for 23 years and I have seen where a good mental attitude can make or break you as far as your disease process...whatever your disease is.

PRESS ON my friends,,. PRESS ON and look forward even if it is one day at a time...or one hour at a time or one minute at a time... look forward not back.

Pam         I appreciate my family I appreciate the small things that I am able to do even once in awhile like get dressed,open water bottles, start my car. I am 21 and was diagnosed about 2 months ago with RA. I used to wake up in the morning and cry because I couldn't button or zip up my pants. My mom or dad had to do it for me and its embarrassing when you have to ask for dad to help you get dressed when your 21 years old!

I appreciate that my medicine is working %60. I am not %100 yet and I am hoping that I will be soon enough.  But for now even %10 would be better than what it was before!hi i got diagnosed when i was 19with two cases soft tissue RA and inflammatory RA.
I am 21 now.medicated thankfully.
I am thankful that my meds work enough fo me to sometimes still wear high heels.
I smile when i can walk up stairs without being in pain.
I smile when i can dance.
I love that i can still cook and do chores for my family.
I am thankful for my boyfriend,who understand my pain and supports me.
I am thnakful for the massages.help and the invention of painkillers,because id be dead without them.
I appreciate that I get to use a laptop in school, instead of writing by hand!

I'm a touch typer now.
I appreciate Plaquenil. Because even though it taste worse than  ....   you know what!! It works amazing for me and I see it now after my surgery.  I am also thankful i can work still, even though I am sore all the time. It's the way I was made. I appreciate my daughter. She takes care of me. She's 17 and does most of the housework, the cooking if I need her to and most importantly, she lifts my spirits.
I appreciate kayaking! I went kayaking for the very first time this year and I did it for 2 hours and didn't pay for it the next day!
I appreciate my electric lift chair.
I appreciate my border collie Kya, who helps me stand up when I need extra help.

I appreciate my best friend Danny, as he's the only one who's REALLY stuck by me through all of this since it began. I live with my sister now and she's starting to see just how sh*tty this can be so she's coming around too, before she used just turn her head.
I also appreciate my wonderful kitty Comrade, without him I'd be even more crazy than I already am, he helps keep my stress from exploding once and for all.
I'm also very thankful I found this Forum.

That's all I can think of with my current state of mind but I'm sure I'll have more down the road.
I am grateful for my husband and son, they help me out with things that I can't do as easily anymore because of my OA.
I am also grateful for the available medical options out there, as well as a resource such as this forum!
I appreciate that arthritis has caused me to distance myself emotionally from a job I don't really like and has caused me to be extra appreciative of my two year old daughter to the point where I enjoy popcorn in bed watching cartoons more than an adult should Berenice,
Glad to see you still able to prepare meals for your family.  In our research on DuoGlide knives, which are designed to help folks with Arthritis deal with meal preparation, we learned that the ability to continue cooking was very important to many people with Arthritis. 

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