jennybro | Arthritis Information


I read you reply in the how young are you thread, about your doc wanting you to start mtx but you want to have children.  I was in the same boat.  I'm 36, started trying to have a baby 3 years ago, miscarried 5 times. 

I wasn't dx with ra until this past winter, after losing a set of identical twins at 3.5 months.  I refused the mtx as well because I wanted to try again.  I went on placquniel, did several steroid packs.  Still had a LOT of swelling and pain.  Tried Imuran and alsufladine-both made me really sick.

Agreed to try enbrel, did that for a three months but still wasn't under control.  I also gave in and started taking steroids daily last spring.

About 7 weeks or so ago, I started weekly humira injections but went into an awful flare and the swelling has never been under control, since last winter. 

After consulting with several reproductive endocrinologist and two rhuemys, they all say don't even bother trying to get pregnant until this is under control.  They said with my history of miscarriages, I would probably miscarry again.  So, just this past Friday, I started the mtx.

Most people with RA don't have problems with miscarriages, so please don't worry too much about that.  My point is, is that YOU have to get healthy first before you can think about a baby.  I was told the mtx can take a few months to really kick in.  As long as you stop it 3 cycles before you try to get pregnant, you should be fine.  I waited almost 10 months before started it and that could have been 10 months that I was getting the ra under control.  You are still young at 29, if you are already seeing erosion's on x-rays, consider the mtx.  You will still have time to have a baby in a couple of years!!

I hope you don't mind me posting to you but I do understand the pain of wanting a child and dealing with ra!  Love and hugs!
