Does stress cause you to flare? | Arthritis Information


Just curious what the general concensus is regarding stress causing RA to flare?  I am relatively new to RA.  I was diagnosed a year and 1/2 ago right after a bought with the flu and in the middle of finding out my husband was having an affair.  (Ironic that he and I both had a severe case of the flu...HE gave it to ME....he completely recovered and two days later I was in full fleged RA!  He got his highschool girl friend back and all I got was RA and a broken family....gotta try to find some humor here!)

My flare still hasn't gotten under control despite multiple med changes.  Of course my stress level hasn't decreased the midst of divorce...etc... So do you think my flare won't ease because of the stress?

Mind if I ask what other things tend to make others flare?

Finding my way, Pam  


Sorry that things are happening to you like that.  I tru;y believe that stress does have an affect on a my own life I find that to be true.  Just remember that he is the loser not you.......when I went through that I tried to keep that in mind....and years later I am married to a wonderful man and he is still floundering with the woman he left for who doesnt want to be married....the good ol what goes around comes arpimd

It's the unacknowledged stress that's the worst, I think. I tend to internalize a lot things, especially if I'm of the mind that I should be strong and put on a tough exterior. I tend not to talk about things that stress me; instead, I hold them in, mull them over and let the stress escalate. I also tend to isolate when I'm stressed about something - which is the absolute worst thing I should do. For me, isolation is a sure sign that depression is just around the corner, right alongside a flare-up.

A good example (something that's not too detailed, but did happen) is when my SO went back to school in Boston at the end of this last summer. I didn't cry or act down about it, because I thought I should be used to it by now...but I was still very depressed on the inside. After he left, I experienced a few anxiety attacks, several bouts of extreme insomnia (more than the usual), and different parts of me took turns hurting (again, more than usual). The internal upset finally culminated into a bad flare-up. Yet, it wasn't until then that I admitted to missing my guy so much that it hurt. I truly believe that if I'd cried it out right away and then moved on, I would've spared myself a lot of pain. I know that's a very simplistic example that rates pretty low on the Life Impact Scale; I mean, it wasn't a death, divorce, or other serious loss. I thought of this example because it was so easy to see in retrospect how I had contributed to my own pain, in response to stress.

Certainly, the stresses of bigger life issues will still threaten a flare even if I don't internalize them or isolate in response to them. That's why I must also have my faith to draw on. I'm of the opinion that spirituality is of the utmost importance when one is challenged by chronic illness/disability. My spiritual investments are key to how I perceive the stressors in my life, which in turn determines just how much of an impact that stress will make on my body.

I see it like this: the medicine in my body responds to the physical challenges of RA. Likewise, the faith in my soul responds to the spiritual challenges of life.

NamasteHi Pam! I would have to say that yes, ABSOLUTELY, stress makes me flare!
I have only been diagnosed a year and I have recognised that stress is a
big factor - maybe the number one factor - that causes my RA to go
crazy. I struggled for a long time with terrible mood swings from the
prednisone I was on, and that in turn made me stressed because I hated
the person I was - lashing out at my husband for no reason, or bawling
my eyes out for no reason. Now that my pred is way down and my mood
swings are more infrequent, I am trying to listen to my body more... I
think about what I eat, how much sleep I get, watch my monthly cycle,
and also how emotional I get in certain situations - I wear my heart on my
sleeve too much! And then I try to work out what may have triggered a
flare... it's a long, long, long learning process that will probably take
years but I'm determined to put a positive spirit and energy into fighting
RA and not just let the drugs do their thing.

And in regards to your marriage break-up - I am truly sorry to hear that
you are going through such a tough time. I have "been there done that"
so to speak and it was really hard, but try to remember that there is a
light at the end of the tunnel and you will be a much stronger and happier
person at the end of it all. And also remember that it means the REAL
man of your dreams can now come into your life! ;)Stress does cause an impact on how I feel. You can have stress on your body from other medical problems that in turn will cause you to flare. It's just an evil cycle I think. Stress makes me flare.  I am getting better at recognizing when I am stressing and get out the relaxation CD's and do a little meditation.  Stress causes me to flare also. The worst part is that it doesn't have to be "bad" stress. Even good events happening in my life (grandchildren births for example) can cause a flare. It would much easier for me to deal with if it were only the bad stuff that caused problems. YES!  Stress is bad!Yes, I agree also, ANY stress or too much activity can cause a flare.  I'm so sorry you are having to deal with the divorce on top of ra.  Love and hugsI am sorry your having such a bad time.  Yes stress does cause flares.  I am usually going through bad times when I flare.  I tend to internalise family problems as well as my own that I can't do much about only worry, and that doesn't help aybody. jeanx39021.3969212963