AWWWWwwww... | Arthritis Information


Awww... No one missed me?!

Anyways, just thought I would check in with ya'll since I have not in a week. Been gone on my vacation.

I had a good time, except for on the way back home at the Portland Airport, I fell and badly injured myself. My shoelace got caught in the escalator and it pulled my feet out from under me and I went down like a tree LOL  It made the sound of a belly flop minus the water LMAO!!

My left arm is a swelled and bruised and stiff and hurts, I am not sure if I broke anything or not but the pain is bareable. I cannot move my arm, if I do it feels like it is going to pop out of socket at the elbow. My right hand well that too I am not sure if I broke anything. It really hurts, but like my mom said they cannot do anything for my hand if it is broke.

Here are some pics of my hand and arm

I would get that checked out. We have enough bone/joint issues as it is.

They look painful!!


I am waiting for the swelling to go down. And if I still have some problems moving my arm I will go get it checked out.

I just hope it gets better on its own. As I do not have time to wear a cast

I was just curious as why your mother thinks they cant do anything for your hand if it is broke? You really need to go to the Dr about those injuries. They look very serious. Ditto to what everyone said. I would definitely get that checked
out. OUCH!  Man, thats gotta hurt!  I agree, get it looked at!

Thanks for everyone's concerns.

Today seems to be much better! I can actually move my arm and the swelling had gone down quite alot. My right hand is much better I can actually type and it not hurt. I think, it was feeling so painful because of all the inflammation and swelling. I have been taking 800mg of IBU every 6 hours and I think that has helped.

I have been pressing on all of my bones to see if they were broke and nothing hurts except where the bruises are, but not the broken bone feeling anyway. I think I just bruised my muscel in my forearm as it swelled from my elbow down to my middle of my forearm.

But everything is feeling much better today, after a good nights rest and IBU.

I have beaten and battered myself up all week, while on vacation. I look like what a damn pinata would look like after being hit for the candy


If you had to crash, I'm glad it was at the airport on the way home. It really does look like a train wreck.

Last time I crashed I cracked the radial head right at the elbow. I had less bruising than you. Took me a month to get it x-rayed, by then it was half way healed so they let me alone. Probably not the smartest way to handle things...It just didn't occur to me that I might have broken any thing.

It does look a whole lot better and feels better too. It is not as swelled. I hope I did not break anything. As I said I do not have time for a cast. Glad you are back.  So sorry you are hurt!  yes, I did miss you.  I was wondering where you where and then I was like, duh space ace, she's on vacation!  LOL. 

You don't really know if anything is broken unless it is xrayed.  If you don't think it is and you feel it is just badly bruised, you can get a splint at the drugstore to support your hand while it heals and to give it some rest. 

Oh my GOD. The escalator tried to EAT YOU! The Matrix was right, machines ARE going to take over the world! WE'RE ALL DOOMED I TELL YOU! DOOMED!


Glad to hear you're feeling really have to watch out for those escalators...they are some vicious folk....

See?!?! THIS is what I'm talking about. Evil machines. I'm telling you.

OMG!! That is so funny!!

I have a hard time getting on escalators going down, but not up. It is weird. I think it is because I have a depth perception problem and I miss judge. But the escalator that tried to eat me was a flat one that just got you from one point to another and well, it decided to slurp up my shoelace like a spegetti noodle and make me do a belly flop LMAO!!



Hey's the thought that counts right?

I LOVE the moving sidewalks at airports!!! But I always stumble
a bit at the end. Haven't fallen.....yet.

well, let me tell you do not let your shoelace get slurpped up.


Mmmmm nose floss.....sounds yummy.... Nose floss...they could make it in nice scents. 

How can you EAT something that was in your NOSE? gross!

Reminds me of the kid from Bad Santa....hahaha


Okay. That was uncalled for. *shivers* Boogers make me gag....

How can you EAT something that was in your NOSE? gross!

Reminds me of the kid from Bad Santa....hahaha


LOL!  Ok so my granddaughter is 3.5 and ya know she still puts her finger up her nose and then gives her boogers to the dog and he eats them.  I swear my dog was dropped on his head as a puppy before I got him. 

Ok, well this is even worse. My hubby and I housesit for some
friends who have 1 cat and 2 dogs. The pomeranian gets into
the cat's litter box and eats it's poop.... I think that dog may
NEED to be dropped on his head.   

P.S. I see this thread has strayed far, far from the original post!


My kitten eats litter...

and bananas...

and lettuce...

and bread...

and bugs...

and mud...

okay she eats everything. She even ate one of those peppers that Papa Johns gives you! :O

Shes just not right!!!



P.S.- Sara....I feel like every thread I touch strays far...far...FAR from the original topic.. Yes, I believe it is all Gramma's fault. Blame everything on


LOL!  I'm innocent I tell ya, innocent!! 

In between all the serious and important advice we give and receive here, yes, there is a lot of humor going on.  But where else can we go with such a serious disease that causes other serious issues and get good advice and comfort from people that understand what we are going thru and make us laugh to help us feel better.  I know I feel better when I can smile and laugh thru all the

P.S. Ummm..just exactly WHOM (ahhhhchookatie) was the one that started the mspaint stuff...ooooo and the meth thing (now THAT was hilarious) that had us going for 2 days?  Sheeeeeesh and she tries to blame me.  KIDS THESE DAYS!!!  I loves yas Katie...yer as much of a nut as I am. 

Sooo Jooooonie

How is the wing today?

Hi Marian!

It is much better! A little swelled around the elbow part still and warm to the touch... but I do not think it is broken. I can now move my arm back and forth about as much as I could before I fell on it. Sooo.... that is a good sign. Not much pain, but in my right hand when I use it too much, and not much pain in my arm unless son decides he is going to not help me pick him up or lays over on it and bends it more than it wants to go. It feels like my elbow is going to go flying off and rickette around the room from all the pressure he puts on it.

It is very ugly bruised still, turning the green bruise color now. Son just now noticed my boo booed arm and said "EWWWWW!!" and then I told him it was a boo-boo and he wanted to kiss it.

Well, I would take a pic to show ya's but the camera is misplaced until hubby gets home, and then I will have him take another pic for ya'll.


You know WAS you...LOL You made us deviate on your OWN topic. You're not supposed to admit to that! Just blame it on gramma, she doesn't mind.

Glad it's starting to come down, I was thinking you were going to find that you HAD broken something, and waited too long and ugh...that could have been ugly. But it sounds like you're slowly recovering. Glad to hear it.

I was thinking, is that bruise raised off your skin? I got thrown off a jet-ski once, and slammed my leg, just above my knee, into the side of it on the way down. I had a soft-ball sized bruise that was about 1/4 inch raised. Damn that hurt. My whole knee swelled up, even though I didn't actually hit my knee. Thanks JRA! *does a cheesy thumbs up and grin combo*

No, bruise not raised up. I think I bruised my muscle real good though. Only thing still a little swelled is my joint to my elbow which is where it is warm to the touch and my forearm running along the muscle, but other than that it is okey dokey.

