I hate it! | Arthritis Information


Blah, I hurt so bad, im off enbrel for 2 weeks cause of a sinus infection and my joints hurt so much, I don’t remember the last time they felt like this. I have exams this week, and just a lot of work to do, it sucks!! Im sooo tired and have so much work to do! Walking to classes is a pain, and lab tomorrow is gonna be awfull, blah I hate JRA!I know it sucks having so much to do and feeling like crap.
When I had exams, I would write down a list and make out a
schedule of all the things I needed to do. I would also schedule
time for naps. I know how hard it is when you have so much to
do, but sometimes making a game plan helps relieve some of
the stress. It used to help me a lot, and every time I could check
something off the list I would feel a little bit better. Good luck
with your exams and I hope your flare calms down soon.I hope you are feeling better soon! That must stink, A LOT! Good luck with your exams, and everything else too!! I will be praying for you! *hugs*

Hey! :( I know how you feel. You can get through it! I've already threatened to rip people's spines out today....so it could be worse!!(you could be the one I threatened...lol) 


i wouldnt even mind if I went up on the prednisone.....but they are trying to get me off..so i will just have to deal with it, ahhh I wish i was home and hurting rather then at school and hurting!
i dont want to complain to my friends but it hurts sooo much!
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