Someone Just Shoot Me Now.... | Arthritis Information



I'm at work.
On my second favorite holiday EVER.
I feel like I've been hit by a runaway Amtrak.
My rash is back.
I'm broken out. EVERYWHERE.
I'm ovulating.
I can litterally FEEL my flare starting to snake through me.
I can barley move my wrists.
I have to make 155 laminated copies of instructions on how to MAKE copies(for the hotel rooms).
We have a new bimbo, who thinks her job is to tell me to do parts of her job.
Justin has a fever.
We're broke.
I came about 3 inches from having a serious wreck today. Yay little girls in daddy's red mustang. NOT.
My taste buds aren't working right.
I just beat my last game on DS, so I'm out of games to play in my spare time.

I'm wearing devil horns...It's about the only thing that's made me smile today.

You should print that out and post it on your forehead so
everyone knows to stay out of your way!

sorry katie.  I have a bummed arm and feel really really tired and slept most of my day away.

I hate periods. I wish we had a off and on switch for them. Mine would stay in the off position at all times. Damn those "monthly bills".

Hope your week improves.



Thanks guys. I just had to vent. I felt(feel) like I was going to either burst into tears, or rip someones spine out. Or both. At the same time. :|

It all started at different times too, so it was like - wake up, Justin has a fever. Get out of bed, feel like a train wreck. Look at self in mirror, see rash slowly creeping its way around my forhead. Drive to work, almost get hit. Walk through the halls of work, ovaries start their revenge. Get to the front desk, meet psycho bimbo. Try to type, wrists don't function....etc etc etc. You fill in the blanks. Garh.

I just had two days off, and I was FINE. WHY NOW?!!? I would much rather spend my days off lying around recovering than to have to WORK like this. It sucks! SUCKS!!! SUUUUCCCKKKAAAGGEEE.

And I'm alone. I HATE being alone when I feel like this. Even if I did still have to work, if Angel was here, he'd at least be avlb. to make me laugh and forget about it. I've seen ONE guest so far. I've been here since 2:30.

I wish I could teleport some of you here to hang out with me!



I have pixies sticks.





And cookies.

Come on. You know you wanna hang with me...

arriscolwell39021.6364699074Oh cookies!!!  Can you mash'em so I don't have to chew them too much, my jaw is killing me!!  I work alone a lot as well, luckily, though, I can bring my two little dogs with me to keep me company!!Oh LUCKY you. Where do you work? It sounds like I need a career change....I could bring my kitten...she'd probably not like the car ride though...hmmm

I will take you up on being teleported.  I can bring Skittles and a blender for Michelle. 


LOL Yay gramma. I was just thinking to myself "I want my mommy"

"or gramma. gramma makes me smile when I feel icky..."

And you better duck under that desk. I'm liable to throw things today. Haha

I bet you flared because it *was* so nice, and it got cold so fast. Faked your body out, and now it's pissed. "Oh look at this great weather! woohoo. Hey wait a minute..what the hell?? RAR! FLARE FLARE FLARE!"

Hehehe.....I'm bored....

Pixie Stix.....mmmmm...I think I might gain 20 pounds in the next
week. We loaded up on candy, but only got a few trick-or-
treaters, so I'm going to have to look at that bowl all day long.

God Katie - you sound so PMS

By the way, You are a great artist.  Is your work for sell????????

I work for an optometrist and he is only here two half days and one full day a week, so I have a lot of down time.  Which is good because if I had a "real" job, I'd never be able to handle it physically.  Since I work alone so much and can't have children, I have two puppies!  I bring them to the office everyday!  They are small, only 9 pounds a piece and don't bark or shed so its no problem!

Off to slurp some soup for lunch, still can't eat anything solid and after upping the prednisone to 15mg, I'M STARVING!!!!!


I need Midol just to deal with my PMS'ing teenager.  I think I am going to lock myself in my room.  Just cut a slit in my door and shove a food tray through it for me. 

I used to have PMS so bad that they had to put me on anti depressants for it.  Now, I don't even remember what it is like to be all PMSish since I don't have to do that anymore  I still have some Lexapro...but I don't want to take it....I had my PMS last week and it's a good thing it subsided because lovely Hubby was (I swear) trying to pick a fight with me last night. I could feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up! I very calmly said "You are saying stupid things and trying to start a fight!". I didn't yell, raise my voice or anything. Made myself a cup of tea and went to bed. Now, if I'd of had the PMS and he started w/me, I would have made the tea and dumped it on his head! Not really...I just would've threatened to!

I think he doesn't realize that I don't feel well sometimes. He was really good in the beginning but the "novelty" of it all must be fading because he's back to thinking all is well. He had to leave on a busiiness trip today for two nights (yaaay) and he's running through the list of places I have to take the kids while he's gone. I finally said "I can't see to drive at night" and he told me (very snotty) to "hire a car service!" OMG! How RUDE. Now here I sit, like a fool waiting to take my daughter to her CCD class in the pitch dark. Lovely, I'll be driving 15mph w/my chin to the steering wheel.BANG! it's my turn.

well.... *looks around* *keeps looking around*

Did ya'll hear that LOUD bang?! Scared the poop out of that cow over there! He thought he was someones din-din.  Aaaaahhh... a good ol' steak would be nice right about now.

*stares down the cow while licking lips thinking Yummmmmmmy!*

Gee I think you guys need to ease up on those pain pills a bit!    Did anyone notice how all of the threads either turn to food,
drugs, or MS Paint?

No, I have not noticed that... but I know if it turns to food it is because of me. I love me some food... Damn pred! Always making me think of food, even when I am not really hungry


Hahaha we're all crazy. But it's okay, we're all crazy together!

I don't mind that the threads wander. The way I see it, it's just us being happy and finding happy things EVERYWHERE.


HaPpY or cRaZy??? What difference does it make??????Everyone of us have days like you have ; but in various degrees of pain or helplessness.  It all passes sooner or later and we move on. Thats all we can do.  Wish you luck.