What alternative remedies do you use? | Arthritis Information


I'm just wondering what kind of alternative or homeopathic remedies the people on this board use to help their RA? I've only had it for about a year so I haven't tried a lot of different things yet. So far the things I've found that help me are swimming, sleeping, no red meat, and a toke at bedtime. Plus I eat salmon 4 or 5 times a week. What helps you?

Flax seed oil, folic acid, good multivitamin, Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc. Heating pad, ice packs, paraffin baths, rice socks, TENS unit. Lots of fruits and vegetables. Physical therapy, massage therapy, water therapy, swimming.

I follow most of what Deanna has said plus find I am better if I cut down on dairy & wheat - there is a lot of info regarding these & RA on the net.
For homeopathic remedies it would be best if you go to a classical homeopath who will prescribe for you. Homeopathy has been double blind tested in the UK for rheumatoid arthritis & the results of the tests were very good. The results obtained will be better if prescribed by a homeopath or homeopathically trained doctor as the remedies prescribed for the individual give better results.
Vitamin B12 is not well absorbed by those with autoimmune diseases & can be helpful. You will need to get your B12 tested to see if injections are necessary as it is not absorbed well by taking vitamin pills.
Fish is very high in mercury & it is not advisable to eat it more than once a week. Dr Andrew Weil has written many interesting books which include information on anti-inflamatory diets & other ways of using alternative health methods - well worth reading.
Hope this is of some help to you.
Thanks for these replies, peops! I answered, just on a different board, haha! That MJ must be scramblin' my brains!
Here's an excerpt on my reply:
I am not too worried about the levels of mercury in salmon. I consider one portion to be 3 or 4 ounces, and by using this "Got mercury" calculator I see my mercury intake is "low" at 10%, with the danger percent being 100.
You can see the calculator here: http://www.gotmercury.org/

I know much of this information regarding fish oil and sleep and stuff is available on the internet. I was more interested in off beat kinds of alternative remedies. For instance, my boyfriend works with a woman who's mother had terrible RA and lived in the back woods of Quebec. The first nations people there introduced her to pine needle tea which she swears by. She boils the pine needles for about 45 minutes, then every morning drinks 2 or 3 ounces of it, and then she's fine. No RA problems at all. Through questioning and digging around I was able to find out the needles were from the White Pine. I'd love to try this, but if it works because there is active ingredients in the tea, how can I know how they will interact with the mtx and hydroxyquine I take? These are the kinds of things your rheumatologist can't tell you. Of course, it's possible it works through the placebo effect, which would be fine too. Here is an article which mentions this ancient remedy:
http://www.botanical.com/site/column_susun/susun_white_pin e.htm

I just think if something works for some people it's worth trying, isn't it? It might work for you.
I just started taking a fish oil tablet once a day(it recomends 3 a day, 1 with every meal but I can't stand fish burps..hahaha) It seems to have helped boost my energy!

I have tried no meat diets, then no red meat. Have also tried the blood type diet from a homeopath, but none of those made any noticable difference. I even tried the glucosamine(sp?) tablets, again, leaving bad tasting burps and no actual help.

Maybe try PM Kokako, natural is right up his alley,
Although don't know if he enjoys a smoke. HaHa
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