Doctors, doctors, doctors | Arthritis Information


I went to the doctor to get the referral to the neurologist for my tremors, etc. I came away with a "let's get you into the Rheumatologist a lot sooner than January because you're really sick." Also, got the referral to the neurologist, the cardiologist, occupational therapist. On top of that they want to put me through a special pain management program for fibromyalgia with a pain specialist. Oh, and we didn't forget blood work this time and they gave me samples of my blood pressure medicine until I see the Cardiologist.

I asked about the problems I'm having using my cane. He suggested a walker. That won't do, forgetting the stigma of not wanting one. It still puts pressure on my hand and shoulder. So, he left it up the the Ortho that I see the end of the month.

Believe it or not, I was in and out of there in half an hour.

I am completely overwhelmed. Of course, I don't know how soon I'll actually get to see any of these doctors. But it is hopeful that someone is going to eventually help me feel better.

That's great that your doc is so helpful in getting you the help
you need. Just take it one disease/illness/problem at a time.

Deanna - I'm so glad that a doctor is truly helping you out - pulling out all the stops for you.

I hope things move faster with that doc helping!

Take care



YAY!! Deanna!!

Sounds like this Dr. is the right one after all the others you went to see.

I hope you get to see the RD a lot sooner than Jan like he said.

Good Luck!


Hey, thats great!!  Glad to hear things are heading in the right direction for you finally! YAY!  So glad you finally have a doc that is going to treat you right and help you out. 

That and try the walker bummed me out. But all the good comments here really help with perspective on that.

I really didn't want to start with the doctors again. But maybe they can prop me up again and I can do more. That would be really cool.

Sure they can, and will. Just as long as you have GOOD ones. And it sounds like you do! Chin up!



Good for you deanna, I know how you feel with all this doctor thing I was to my family doctor yesterday and he took me off my arava. Some how I raptured a tendon in my leg and all the blood went to my foot. He said I should have came in right away the day I had such bad pain in my leg. He told me the arava caused the tendon to rapture I could hardly walk on my leg and I thought it was my Ra that was causing the pain. I have ra in my feet ,wrist, hands, and knees and I am always in such bad pain that it is hard for me to tell what is causing the pain . also my blood Presure was 160/90 which is high for me being on blood presure meds. He also said that arava was causing my B/P to sky rocket so now I am left with nothing until I get to my rhemy. He said he would call him and tell him he took me off for very good reasons. I take a pain pill and predisone for now. So i wish you very good luck on all what you are going thru. I hate this darn Ra. It is a big pain you know where.


All in jest roxy!