Cortisone Shot in Left Wrist | Arthritis Information



I have found out from the Ortho Doc.,

the reason for the Stiff , No Mobility, lacking Any Range of Motion;

in my Left Hand and Wrist is due to BONE Errosion from the RA.

So, he discussed with me;  my various options including a Shot

(Cortisone) in the Swollen Area.   My   Question   is:

have others tried this and did it work????  I  feel  no  relief and  am

going to try Physical Therapy to regain useage of the Left Hand &

Wrist!  The Shot has done nothing for me that I can tell, the swelling

hasn't decreased, nor the PAIN Level! It hurts day and night.

And the best part is I am Left

Any Suggestions???


I just had a cortisone shot in my knee and it did nothing so back to the ortho I go.  Do the physical therapy the doc wants you to do.  Heat may help also.  Are you going to a rheumatologist?  It is important that you go so you can get on meds to slow down the progression of the RA and to help with the pain. 