Roxy, be kind to yourself | Arthritis Information


Hi Roxy,

I don't think the fatigue is in your head at all.  So many of us suffer this.  My RD told me the inflamation in you body causes this extreme fatigue.  Maybe once your medication gets sorted out some of this awful tiredness will go away.  I hope so.

I have never napped in my life.  Up early everyday and go, go,go until bed.  Now I get up thinking "I can't wait until bedtime" and take naps when ever possible.

I think this whole situation is overwhelming and depressing.  I try very hard to keep a positive attitude for my family, especially for my 12 year old son that more than likely suffers this disease also. 

It really helps me to come here and read and respond to the posts, I think it kind of takes the focus off of myself.  I see so many of you, have had a much more difficult time than I have and feel blessed to be able to get up and take care of the things I need to each day.

You're having such a tough time right now, don't loose sight of  our dear "Roxy with a plan"  Read that book (maybe I will too) overload on caffine, and what about those adventures with your fiance?? is he back in town?  Do the things you feel up to doing and enjoy them for the time you are able.  When you get to tired try not to get down on yourself because you can't keep up like you used to. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is be kind to yourself, take care of yourself like you would a friend going through the same thing.

Get some rest, feel better!!

This site really helps me also.  It is a great place to vent and realize that you are not alone and there are other people that are having a more difficult time.  I think I am obsessing.  I ended up reading about ra at Barnes and Noble.  It is all the same.  Can't predict the future, this med with these side effects, that med with those side effects, this is the cause no maybe this is the cause grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

My hours are all screwed up also.  I have been napping then waking up.  I am really not in a lot of pain so I just don't get it.  Why am I so tired?

It would break my heart if I thought my child might get this.  It does seem like they are doing a lot of research on ra that he will benefit by if he does have it.  Keep the faith.

Thanks Pam for the encouragement.  Your a pal! 