TOTALLY off-topic.... | Arthritis Information


But Justin and I are christmas freaks...and we've got the itch already... *does a dance*

So I wanted to share a spiced apple cider recipe for those of us with a crock pot! ENJOY!!



Combine all ingredients in a 4-5 quart slow cooker, cover, and cook on low for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally. Serve in mugs. 8-10 servings
I haven't had apple cider in years but for some reason I have been thinking about it alot the last couple weeks. I will definitely have to try this.

Thanks! Mmmm, that sounds yummy. I bet the house smells wonderful too.

I'm burning an apple fragrance oil, and I added some cinnamon oil (fragrance oil, not real), and boy, it sure does smell like christmas! Mmmmmm.     
   Since when are your posts on topic? Just wondering.....

Thanks for the recipe, though!

LOL alright now...."Let he who is always on topic cast the first stone"

I think someone famous said that.

PS...can we add a little Captain Morgans to that spiced cider?

Captain Morgans  -- now there's a new one for me to try out.

I have only started drinking alkie when I was 21, not much before the legal age


Great recipe, thanks! I decorate everything for Christmas. I wish there was a way to put little christmas lights around my posts.

(And Congrats on your 500th post!)

LMAO...Joonie...that was TMI...but hey...what ever keeps the marriage strong...sometimes ya just gotta do what ya gotta do.

We had this discussion before here...but the truth is a little hanky-panky stops them from griping about stupid stuff. Men get their own form of PMS but it seems to be the general concensus that the cure for that is sex. SWS....Sexual Withdrawal Syndrome....symptoms include moodiness, wineyness, short tempers, inability to take out the trash, pick up their shoes from the middle of the floor, and rinse off a dish.

Captain Morgans is a spiced rum....amazingly there is an alcohol to go with every holiday treat...Kahluah or Baileys in hot cocoa and coffee....or add to coffee a teaspoon of hot cocoa mix and a shot of peppermint schnapps. For brunch....a dash of peach schnapps and champagne with your OJ....yummy...

Its the southern girls secret to staying relaxed and cheery right through the holiday season!

I had NO idea I hit 500. Woo-hoo! I'm a computer loser! YEAH!

A little hanky panky is also good for pain.  Releases endorphins. 

Kahluah and ice cream is the bomb!  I actually had a capt n coke tonight.  I am not a big drinker but it was nice and relaxing in the midst of the chaos in the house this weekend.  Have daughter, granddaughter, son-in law, the girls, and 2 extra teenagers.  Granddaughter fell asleep in my bed.  Then I went to bed.  Then dog comes in bed with us.  Then Grampa comes to bed.  Then Gramma has NO ROOM and can no longer sleep lol.  Big kids have taken over the girls room so the couch, love seat, and the chaise lounge are taken.  Looks like cushions and the floor for me tonight lol. 

So Katie my dear

I STARTED A WEBSITE! Check it out. I'm shameless. Yay for self-promo!

I MADE THE FLASH FOR IT! I'm so proud...

Speaking of drinks....not that I can drink anything right now with
all the meds I'm on for my joints, muscles, eyes, heart, etc., but
did anyone ever get those slushes from Sonic? Well, my hubby
and I would go to Sonic and get a slush and mix it with different
kinds of liquor. Grape slushes with watermelon vodka are my

In college we used to mix gatorade and parrot bay.

Don't ask.

My fav when we'd go clubbing was Red Bull and Vodka. But only one and only at the start of the night. If I had any towards the end, I'd get B*T*CEY. Hardcore. Haha The rest of the night was always Sex on the Beach and Raspberry Vodkas. Mmmm those were the days...

arriscolwell39025.4131018519 SONIC!!!  Cherry LimeAid!!!  Bacon Toaster Cheeseburgers!!  I MISS SONIC!!!  There are no Sonics in WI.  BUT THEY SHOW THE COMMERCIALS!!!!  It's just wrong I tell ya, just wrong!I've always wanted to go to Sonic, just because of the commercials and hearing the celebrities talk about it.  We don't have any in our area - the nearest one is about 500 miles away.  I almost got to eat at Sonic a couple of years ago - I was with my mother, aunt and elderly cousin on a road trip.  We pulled up to the speaker box where you order and use your credit card to pay and my mother didn't like that idea and refused to eat there - we had to drive out and go to Wendy's across the street.  I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I was!  It was like being on the verge of the "Big O" and it's game-over. My hubby and I go to Sonic all the time!! If we're out doing yard
work, we'll just drive down the road to Sonic to get a big drink.
The food is really good too. We have 2 here, and we live in a
small town. The closest one is only a mile down the road. My
parents have the commercials where they live in PA, but no
sonic, so I took them when they came to visit.

Gramma~ Cherry limeades are my favorite!!!!!