younger victims or computer literate? | Arthritis Information


I agree with one poster.  Are PMR sufferers younger than the medical field realizes, or are the younger ones more computer literate and able to post.  I'm 66 and computer literate, but I wonder how many out there in the whole scheme of things are both.  Hmmmmm. Any comments?

Hi Betsy

I'm 47 and computer literate, so I can't comment from an "older" perspective. It would seem that from over this side of the Atlantic there are a great many seniors who do not have the opportunity of becoming computer literate in later life. A great many of my older friends don't particularly want to be "bothered", either. Perhaps the ages on this forum are a little skewed by computer ability.  Until we get statistics from hospitals I don't suppose we shall see a representative cross section on this forum.

Have a great Sunday.

Thanks Judi,  It's so important for the sake of the younger PMR sufferers who go so long without being diagnosed.  Because they don't fit the norm, PMR is probably the last thing to be considered.  The pain is just awful while they are waiting.  Also, the younger ones have kids and jobs and this disease is really dibilitating to some of us.  At least some of us older ones can take a day off when we can't deal with it.  I'm 66 and love the computer, but most of my freinds don't want to be you said. Thanks for your comment.  We may never know.  Hi Betsy,
  I will be 69 in Dec., and am computer literate,  I also have friends that do not want to be bothered with the computer at this age.  I also believe the medical field is wrong about the age of the people who have PMR.......They have a hard time diagnosing it how can they know anything about the range of age groups it effects.............more studies need to be made.....Hope all is well.............Georgiana

So there, Georgianna and Judi, We have solved this medical delima without benefit of research or FDA approval.  We are soooo smart!!!  Seriously, I do think they may be wrong and feel really sorry for the younger ones trying to get diagnosed.   Many of us suffered for months who are truly "in the right box" for diagnosis, so I would think the younger ones who aren't supposed to have PMR would really have a hard time.

Georgianna, I'm sorry for  friends our age that think the computer is too much trouble to learn.    Just look at the email forwards they're missing!!!! LOL

Thanks for answering and have a great day.
