What if... | Arthritis Information


What if you had one wish to use on your body....what would you wish for/change?

would it be to not have RA? Or to be thinner, better looking, or something else?

Crunchy...All of the above. LOL  And younger too.  What the hell, let's go for it all!! My one wish would be that I wouldn't need a knee replacement.  I can deal with the RA...I just hate my knee.  It is full of scars from previous surgeries and always swollen and icky looking.  And I have these fantastic dancer legs and when I look at my knee I am totally grossed out by it. 

My wish would be to be pain free.


To be twenty again and know what I know now

Yep, get rid of all the autoimmune stuff.

I'd like to say I wish I were thinner....because I do...but I guess my life would be easier if I didnt have RA.NO MORE STINKIN' RA!!! I want perfect skin. :| And to keep my mind. This is going to sound conceited but - my personality is so rockin' that I don't care if I end up in a wheelchair from RA, I'll still be amazing. LOL That sounds soooooooooo bad. I guess physically I don't mind the RA, cause I can always manage around it. But my skin sucks. I want model skin. Grrrrrr I would love to healthy! I can't remember what that feels like.
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