Need a Housework Tip | Arthritis Information


Does anyone have any tips for sweeping and mopping?  I'm getting so I can't do it anymore and well....the kids are great about helping me out but they just don't do the tile floors that well.  Does anyone use that Swiffer Wet Jet?  Does it work well?  It seems to be easier to use but want to know how well it works before I send hubby to get me one.  I even have a coupon for it lol.  I use mine most of the time, but you will occasionally need to do it the old fashioned way, LOL.  I like the it for a quick and easy clean up, but I have a black marble looking linoleum tile, and a film builds up on it so it isn't shiny anymore.  Probably with other colors you wouldn't even notice it. 

I say go for it, girl.  I like my Swiffer Wet Jet!
Hillhoney39027.372037037I use the Hoover Floormate which picks up wet and dry debris as well as scrubs the floors. But it is heavy and it does not reach right up against the wall.

I want one of those little robot things that goes around and just cleans the floor for you. Has anyone tried those?

I also can't do my floors. Last time I tried, I was couched for four hours unable to move and stuck on pain killers. How much is a clean floor worth anyway?

A ROOMBA! They look creepy. LOL I have a wet-jet. It's a'ight. I also have a very light small the shark, only wal-mart brand. LOL Together, they work alright. But yeah, eventually you need to use a REAL mop. :/ Hm. I don't have the swiffer wet jet, but use the swiffer wet mop pads. They do a nice job and I can use my hardwood floor pads on it too.
Those robot things are nice and they clean up against the wall. However, you have to fill them with the solution and then dump it out after cleaning. If you can't lift a small bucket of water, than it's a waste of money to get one.

   Marisaput some old socks on your feet. Dip them in a bucket of warm soapy water, and go skating.
I do this all the time because my problems are mainly concerning my arms. Its good if you cant bend over, or get on your hands and knees.

Sophi---That is too funny!!!!!

I clean the floor the old fashioned way, but I sweep about 2x a week and then about every 2 weeks I mop too. I wipe up spills and drips right away with paper towel and when I mop I just plug the sink and put the water in...squirt the floor with mop-n-glow and then run over it with the mop. The mop-n-glow has that teflon in it that coats your floor and makes it harder for stuff to stick to it or stain it later, + it makes the floor shiney.

The trick for me is to alternate the heavier chores on different days instead of doing it all on one "cleaning day" like I had in the past.  The house is never "spotless" all at once...but it is always clean enough for family and old friends....I guess I would have to do a little more if we had "company" coming...but that never happens. The people who come are at home here and I dont worry about impressions.

I keep working so I can pay housecleaners to come and wash my floors once in a while. They mop and vacumn and do all the stuff I have trouble doing. It's worth it to me. While they clean, I go to the gym and do my physical therapy. Oh Yeah, I have them come on Friday so I have a clean house for the weekend.

Thanks everyone!  I would rather mop the old fashioned way once in a while than all the time.  I think I am going to get a wet jet.  If my kids and hubby would wipe up spills I wouldn't have to mop so often!!  I alternate heavy cleaning too so I don't do it all it at once.  I can't do it that way anymore. 

I need to talk hubby into letting me do a housecleaner once every couple of weeks.  Mondays would be a good day for me since I always have a houseful of kids over the weekend.  Do you use a private company and background check or do you do something like Merry Maids?

I'm lucky, my mom comes once a week and mops for me. But when we have spills, I use my Wet Jet. It works ok on tile, but the old fashion way is definately much much better.I love my housekeepers!!!  They come every 2 weeks, and it is SO worth it, even tho' I live alone!!!   When I do have to sweep the wood floors, I just grin and bear it...  Don't know about Merry Maids, just use the local housecleaners... small town so everyone knows who to use!

careful with the swiffer wet jets.  They contain a chemical harmful to small children and animals.  There is a documented case about an adult german sheppard that died after somehow ingesting the liquid.  :(  Sorry to bring the spirits down...



Actually, that isn't true - it's just one of those internet rumors that get passed around.  Check out the story on

Floors arent so bad...the thing I hate is doing laundry. And no housekeeping service does laundry. I wish I had someone to do that kind of stuff just once in a while.

Me too.... just changing the bed is a pain in the butt!!!! My husband helps me change the sheets, thank goodness.  We do it together at night before we go to bed.  Just having someone to do one side of the bed while I do the other makes it much easier.

Laundry for me is the easiest job I do.  I am fortunate that my washer and dryer are upstairs on the same level as my bedrooms, so I don't have to carry laundry up and down the stairs.  It is so nice.  The only negative with that is the two times that the washer has leaked and flooded the downstairs!

I've said it before, vacuuming is the chore that kills me.  Part of the reason is all the bending I have to do to pick up stuff on the floor, moving furniture, etc.  With 4 dogs and a cat, I really should vacuum more often than I do, but I hate it so much I keep putting if off.

Oh ugh ewww I hate laundry!!  My washer and dryer are in the basement.  Down 2 flights of stairs.  But, I hated laundry before the days of RA.  I have said it before, we need to invent biodegradeable disposable clothing lol. 

My youngest daughter vacuums.  It is her "chore".  We have to vacuum daily with having the dog, the bunny, and the chinchilla. 

I am the only one that worries about my house and how clean it is.  My husband doesn't care and my friends understand my limitations.  Besides, there is nothing wrong with that lived in look lol. 

Hello. Goodness gracious, landsakes o-goshin "I Love My Roomba" and turn it loose about three times a week. It doesn't get into corners good enough to please me so I use my Oreck electric broom. Love it, too.

As for mopping up the floors I'll not purchase another space consuming gadget. I simply use a hand held spray bottle filled with water and Mr. Clean. I wet the floor really well and then use a sponge mop to wipe it up.  
Hillhoney~ my hubby is a snopes fanatic! Every forward he gets
he looks it up on snopes!As our friend Martha would say "It's a good thing" [QUOTE=Hillhoney]As our friend Martha would say "It's a good thing" [/QUOTE]


Swiffer wet jet doesn't kill pets. My cat licks EVERYTHING and she's still alive. Hahahaha I have a VERY small kitchen and the bathroom floor is covered in little rugs, so I don't have a lot of mopping to do. Vaccuming...well....I wish we did it more often, especially with the cat....but it hurts my elbows, and hurts Justin's tummy. It's amazing how many activities involve stomach muscles. *sigh* We try to do the laundry together. We have a lot of non-wrinkly clothes, because honestly they get left in the dryer alot...LoL You know what? We manage and none of it bothers us, and so far everyone that's ever visited has understood.

[QUOTE=Hillhoney]As our friend Martha would say "It's a good thing" [/QUOTE]


Martha is going to the craft store later this week to get wooden letters and some paint to do her much anticipated grand-niece's name for her room. 
