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does anyone know the best way to get silly putty out of clothes??? My son left his putty on the bed and then sat on it to watch tv...he was wearing a brand new pair of blue jeans...

Melissa H. from Altanta, GA writes; "Here is a tip for removing Silly Putty from clothes: First put the clothing in the freezer for a little while, then scrape the area with a dull knife to remove what you can from the surface. Put an old towel behind the fabric, and soak it with rubbing alcohol, then rub with a piece of old towel, removing bits of putty as they flake off. you may need to soak the fabric again (and test in an unobvious place with alcohol first to make sure it doesnt remove the color). hold it up to the light to make sure all the putty is removed (repeat if it isn't). when all the putty is removed, wash as usual." Thanks Melissa!Yet another Silly Putty tip sent in by Pam; "Rub salt into the Silly Putty and it will come off!" Thanks Pam!

Pre-soak item in liquid starch, then wash with detergent


Pour undiluted liquid soap on spot.  Soak in cold water, keeping item immersed at all times.  Silly putty will begin to peel off or dissolve.


Put clothing in freezer.  Once silly putty is frozen, it can be peeled off.


grammaskittles39027.8834143519You girls are a wealth of knowledge!!!! Thanks...usually I google stuff but I guess I was so pissed at him doing this to a new pair of pants that I just forgot everything. I had thought to put them in the freezer but wanted to see what had worked for others....I'll be back, I am off to the deep freeze.